helpful senator

congressman's require letter trigger an interview?


Thanks for your response. I just talk to Jenny in Christopher Dodd's office. She said that after she send a requirement letter, BCIS hartford center will schedule a interview for me. So now, I am confused, is each require letter from congressman will trigger an interview in the BCIS local service center?

Yes, you are right. BCIS 1800 number operator don't familiar the process, local congressman's assistant don't familiar the process, so what I can do now. Can I ask any congressman in other state to help me?
Not to disappoint you. I spoken with Jenny earlier. As soon as you sent case sheet to her. She will never give you call back.

I think she is mistaken.

Best of luck.
Same happend in my case

People at congress man office don't understand what do with your case unless you meet them and explain your case clearly to them or explain to them clearly over the phone.

whenever you contact cngress man office, explain to them clearly what you are looking for ?

Same thing hapend to me.. Later I contacted them personnely and explained my case ..
Re: Same happend in my case

Any update on your case after you contacted congress man office personnaly.

Originally posted by Anamica
People at congress man office don't understand what do with your case unless you meet them and explain your case clearly to them or explain to them clearly over the phone.

whenever you contact cngress man office, explain to them clearly what you are looking for ?

Same thing hapend to me.. Later I contacted them personnely and explained my case ..
Hello, Manumahi

Anamica is right. When I talk to Jenny, she said that she will send require letter to hartford center and the officer in hartford center will schedule an interview for us. But I think mostly our cases are blocked at vermont center. Why not just simply send the letter directly to vermont center asking the case status rather than send letter to hartford center. Just imagine, if hartford officer received congressman's letter, but they haven't got your file transfered from vermont, what they will do? Still wait! The most important is you don't want your file transfer to local office and have an interview, because it will spend extra time. So make sure where did Jenny send the letter is important.
Hi Yogesi,
Thanks for the info. Any how, you are checking with her. let me know what happend? If this works out for you, will follow the route. though she talked nice, never get back to me after the first call. Left couple of message, never bothered about returning my call.

I told myself that is end of it.

Best of luck
Senator office can talk to vermont office directly. Ask her to talk to them directly. This will resolve your problem pretty quickly.
In Arizona

Contact McCain. The staff has been helpful. I contacted about 2 weeks back and they have called back twice. Note that I don't have an approved case yet but atleast they are pursuing and that's a good feeling.
Originally posted by dengdeng
seems she doens't understand immigration procedures at all

Don't jump to conclusion without analyzing properly. Mostly Congressional offices help Family based GC applicants and not Employment based GC applicants. All family based GC applicants are scheduled for interview, no exception.
We have to go through local senators. Glad to hear that they are working for you. Best of luck.
If congressional people really want to help can pull strings together. They can talk directly with immigration officer in vsc and make them look at your case. We are not approaching them for silly reasons. Our GC cases are pending for almost 22 months. Still in dark.
Manumahi and sam,

My motion to I-485 denial was pending with VSC from July 8, 2003 ((for history on my case see all my posts). In the receipt processing time says 30 to 180 days.

I called Congress Man office over the phone and explained my case .. and they took my details..

Within 3 days they replied saying that I need to file new I-485 with Amended I-140 Approval notice.

Then I went personally and explained to them what was happend to my case. Then they contacted BCIS officials and get back to me to saying that contact after 30 days since my motion receipt processing time says 30 to 180 days and I finished only 80 days by then(i.e on Sep 26th, 2003)
so I will remind congress man office on Oct 26,2003.

So when you give details to Congress Man office or Senator office, make sure that they know what help you are looking from them.

Congress Man office also told that, they can not push BCIS to expedite your case but they can do only do status query on your concern.
Thanks for sharing your information and helpful hints. If I don't hear any thing about my case in this month, will call them.

Thanks once again.
They can't expedite your case but their tries, will help your case file comes to focus instead of sitting in dark. This should bring some movement. We don't want any expedite either, looking for prompt process and response.

I am looking the same.. If they can open file and give the decession that gives lot of relief to me instead of keeping us in pressure.

If they give decesion soon, we can decide depending on their repsonse whether to file new I-485 or can continue with existing one ??

Hope they will open the file....