

New Member
Hi, My name Is Belinda and I have a big problem. The main problem is that at this time I'm living in Mexico with my two daughters (american citizens) , because some months ago my husband tryied to kill me in Los Angeles, where we lived for the eight past years. That was the reason that we left from L.A.
At this time I know that my husband is looking for Us here in Mexico. And I tryied to get a passport for me to go to US but immigration told me that is immposible, because I lived in US illegally for many years. They told me that I can apply for asilum in US and I want to know what to do. What is the next step. And I know that I need a solution fast because Im scared that my husband can find me. And also my girls are out of school for all this time. Please HELP ME!!!!!!!! :eek:
get a lawyer. And ask for asylum now. PLus having 2 usa citizen kids will help you alot.sorry ur going thru this. :confused: :confused: