Help with mom's status


New Member
Hello everyone! I am new to this site and I was wondering if somebody would be able to help me. My mom has been living with me and helping me take care of my 2 year old daughter. She has been in and out of the country for the past 2 years, she would stay here 6 months and then go home for 6 months. She has a 10 year multiple entry visa, and she has had a US visa since 1988. Last December 2004, we applied to extend her tourist visa for the first time, and we got an an approval in less than 2 weeks through the Texas Service Center. They gave her 6 more months, and her current stay will expire in June 2005.

I am eligible to apply for citizenship in June 2005 as well. However, it takes 15 months for Memphis to approve N400s. Knowing that it might be hard for her to re-enter if she goes home, I was wondering if I should just apply for a second extension, and let her overstay until my citizenship is approved. Or should I let her go home in June and make her risk re-entering? Would there be a problem for her?

My daughter was recently diagnosed with autism :( and that was the purpose we gave on the letter requesting to extend her stay. Was this probably why her extension was approved right away? If anybody knows of a better way to make her stay here legally until I become naturalized, I would really, really appreciate it. Thank you very much.