Help with Labor Cerification Advertisement


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I am about to apply for my PERM labor certification and would like advice on the advertisement that must be placed.

I would like to know how specific can the ad be. For example, I have an undergraduate degree in Finance with two years of work experience. Can the ad mention some specific finance and accounting courses or the number of courses that an applicant must possess.

The lady in my HR does not know the process and is concerned that the DOL might get suspicious if I make the ad too specific. The lawyer seems to have the same concern.

Please advice.
My posting was just completed. My employer wanted a really specific psoting, but the lawyer did not allow that. The lawyer said that the posting needs to show bare minimum requirements. Unfortunately, our HR dept got a few responses they couldn't avoid and may have to interview :(. I hope HR can think of a good reason to disqualify the applicants. Anyway, there was one caveate to posting specific stuff - if those specific items were learned and performed prior to working for your current employer. In which case, you'll need someone from your prior employer to vouch for you.
I applied under RIR EB2 in March 2005.Itz been almost a year and now my attorney says that the ad that was given for my application has some errors and only now they saw it and is suggesting me to apply again thru PERM?I did not see the ad and am I allowed to see the ad....Because I was not shown the ad...

My RIR is pending in dallas.Is it advisiable to do under PERM and will I retain my priority date.I'm approaching my 6th year in NOV 2006.What will happen when I apply for H1 extension.I have a bachelor's degree with 5 years of experience.

Any suggestions and tips???

You should be able to see the ad

Hi AAA06,

Apart from placing the ad, they have to dispaly the ad in very prominent position where the alien is supposed to work if he is hired. Your HR should have a copy of the ad. Also if you know when the ad went through newspaper, you could get those news papers from any public library.

Hope this helps.