Help with I-864


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Help with I-864 (Affidavit of Support)

I am a USC and married to an immigrant. We are in the process of filing for my husband but need some help on clarifying a few things with regards to form I-864.

We both came in this marriage with kids. I have one child and my husband also has three from his previous marriage. Only two of his kids live with us. He has joint custody of the kids with his ex.
I don’t make much so we need a joint sponsor. Our question is that, is the joint sponsor besides his dependants, to count only my husband for whom he is sponsoring or he has to include my husband's kids to the count of he the joint sponsor's dependants?
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if he has joint custody of the other kids with his ex. You'll have in include them as dependant on your joint I-864. So total head count including you, your husband and the children is 6.
Thanks Bestpal for your response.

Where on the form would the joint sponsor have to put the # of the other menbers of "our" family besides my husband, who is being sponsored? The kids are USCs.

Would the joint sponsor have to count them as his dependants as well?
Urgent help with item 21 of I-854

I would really appreciate if someone would be able to clarify item 21 of the I-864 for me. This is the only thing standing between filling by ourselves or going for a attorney, i.e. if we have the money.

Once again, here is my question:

The joint sponsor is sponsoring my husband (John the non-immigrant)
I am Rose the spouse/petitioner/main sponsor of John and I have a son David (USC)
John has three kids, Mary, Jerry and Angie (all US citizens) from previous marriage.

Let's assume Mark is my joint sponsor and he is filling form I-864. How is he to account for the above scenario especially considering item 21.

21.a.------ 1 (John my husband the alien)
21.b.------ 1 (Mark the joint sponsor himself)
21.c.-------0 (Mark is single)
21.d.-------0 (Mark has no children)
21.e.------- ?????
21.f.-------0 (Mark has not sponsored anybody previously)

If Bestpal is right, does it mean that me and David my son and John's 3 kids, making 5 should be assigned to item 21.e.?
Part 5. Sponsor's household size
Why would Mark "the joint Sponsor" include John's kids here. Answer according to me would be 21 a.1;21 b.1;21 h.2; therefore total 2 should look for poverty guidelines $17,500.00. If Mark can show this income amount the case could be approvable
Thanks whitemimauz3.
It seems our large family size is not common to most people here so I am not getting a lot of input on my question. As you can tell, your answer suggests that Mark the joint sponsor is sponsoring only John (my husband the alien), which makes sense to me.

On the other hand, Bestpal's suggestion also seems to consider our family as an extension of that of Mark the joint sponsor.

I am looking for the right way so not to delay our process. Also, if Mark the joint sponsor has to count only my husband to his family size, then it becomes easy to get one of my friends with an income of $17,500 to help me out. If Bestpal is right, then I have an uphill task of getting someone with an income of $44,000 plus depending on how many dependents the joint sponsor has of his/her own. I guess the issue is not the easy way out, but the right way as not to complicate our process.

I hope people will feel free to give their opinions or experiences. I understand we are not lawyers but it would be helpful. I have done extensive search of the forum hoping to find similar discussions that addresses our problem but to no avail. I would also welcome any links that may direct me to similar discussion if I have missed them.

Thanks. I look forward to more input.
Here's an easy way:
- you - how many dependants are listed on your tax return?
- your husband - how many dependants are listed on his tax return?
- your friend - how many deepndants are listed on his/her tax return?
just add up all the #s. :) may sure to count you and your husband as well.