Help: Those for whome Welcome letter mailed on 6/22/2007...


Registered Users (C)
I am trying to know if anyone who got email saying their Welcome letter was mailed on 6/22/2007, have actually revceived anything in the physical-mail by now.

I am having address change issue going on, so please help me track the letter.
Please also mention the state you live. I am in NJ.

Greately appreciate your input.
Same issue here. (Approved on 06/16 and got email on 06/18).
I updated the address online on the day of approval (06/18 - too late). I'm sure this welcome notice and the card might have gone to my old address in NJ. I'm in CA now.

Called the customer rep on the same day (06/18) but she said she cannot take the new address. I have to wait for the online message to change (wait for 30 days) to undelivered mail and then call them back to update the new address.
So I'm waiting for my mail to be returned back to USCIS by the post office and then when my online message changes, I will call and get it re-sent to my new address.
In my case, I updated my address on 6/8 and as per their usps-MAIL dated 6/12, my address was updated on my case.
Like I said, I am in NJ; toraboraus and whyworry, which stare are you from???
Same here. I am waiting for both the approval notice and as well card. The sequence of emails i got was
a) card production ordered 06/22 11.11 AM
b) approval notice sent 06/22 11.30 AM
i havent received card or approval notice. should i be concerned ?is anyone is on same boat ?