Help: Suggestions on how to deal with my NIW


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Hi! friends

I got my Ph. D degree in Civil this May and just started to work in a big company as a engineer for 3 months (not doing research). I want to try NIW.
I now have 10 journal papers published in international prestigouse jorunals 5 first author, 5 second author. 3-4 citations. 10 conference papers. several awards from university, ASCE (minor award), Sigma Xi full member. Work on disaster reduction and traffic safety on highways (NSF project).

I know the infamous NY-DOT case and I think maybe the fact that I am not doing the research in the company will be a negative point. I consulted attorney and they said it should be fine in TSC if I can get strong letters. I am preparing the letters. I am confident about 1)Intrinsic merit 2) National scope, but I am not sure how to address 3) National interests will be nagatively affect by LC....
can I use: his research may be adopted by govenment ( I can get a letter ), and govenment and military may need to hire him too. In that case, long time LC will adversly affect...
Any better idea on how to convince this point?
Also, although I have at least 2 friends got NIW when working at the company, I appreciate someone may share some more points on this issue (what should be careful, etc.). I am still not very confident.

Any suggestions are appreciated.
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