Help !!! RFE issued for Wife\'s Birth certificate..


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Guys, NSC issued a RFE for birth certificate. The issue here is that we have submitted a birth certificate from Municipality but was registered in 1999. What documents at this stage would be appropriate for INS. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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In my case INS is very specific when sending an RFE notice. Does your RFE not include details on the documents they are requesting? In my case they asked for two affidavits from people who knew of my birth other than my parents and siblings.
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Well, I haven\'t received it yet. But from other discussions I gathered that it is going to be on Birth Certificate being issues in the recent past. I am wondering if any one can tell me from their experiences what kind of documents are valid in this regard.
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While awaiting RFE, in the meantime, make 2 separate affidavits signed by her dad & mom respectively, stating that she is their child. Each affidavit should state the other as parent as being their spouse. Consult a lawyer for further details / format.
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Syg / others,

Can you please post the format / details of the affadavits to get. Did u get this from India? My wife\'s birth cert. has name field blank also.

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I got the RFE on my birthcertificate due to being registered in 1997. The RFE notice specifically asked for further documents proving both my bithdate and Parentage. They asked for historical evidence like school documents( I am enclosing my Bonafide, leaving 10th standard certificates), religious documents(of which I have none), medical records(also which I have none). They also mentioned that affidavits sworn to by persons who were born at the time of and who have personal knowledge of the event to which they attest. INS mentions that these affidavits must contain Affiant\'s full name, address, date and place of birth, relationship to the party, and complete details concerning how the affiant acquired knowledge of the event. In other research that I did on this site (use the search on birthdate and/or parentage) I found out that these affidavits should be on Indian Stamp Paper from India, so I am in the process of getting these from home in India.

Hope this helps. try chacking out the FAQ on green cards for birthcertificate and you will also find a format for the affidavit!!

good luck
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The Immigration and Naturalization Service requires birth and marriage certificates issued by the municipality where the event took place. The birth certificate must include the full name of the child, date and place of birth and names of the parents. The marriage certificate must include the names of the parties, date and place of marriage.

If your birth or marriage was not recorded, you must submit the following documents:

1) A certificate from municipality where you were born or where the marriage took place, stating that your birth or marriage was not recorded and is unavailable; and,

2) Two affidavits from individuals who have personal knowledge of the birth or the marriage (preferably your parents or close older relatives). The affidavits must include information on the affiant (address, age, nationality), information on the birth or marriage (date, place, parties, parents) and how the affiant has personal knowledge of the birth or marriage.

NOTE: If your birth or marriage certificate is incomplete (i.e. wrong date, wrong name or no name), you must submit affidavits along with the birth or marriage certificate. The affidavits should provide an explanation of the discrepancy. Please make certain that all the names which appear on the affidavits are full and correct names, not initials. Also, if the birth or marriage was not registered within four years of the event, two affidavits are required in addition to the birth or marriage certificate.


State of _________________)
                                ) ss:
County of ________________)

Jane Doe (Must insert full name of affiant, Not Mrs. Doe, Ms. Doe, etc. no initials), being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. I am a citizen and national of ________ (country), currently residing at ________________________ (present address).

2. I was born on June 1, 1930, in _______ (city, country) and I am the mother of Sue Doe (Must insert full name of applicant, first, middle, and last name).

3. Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in _______ (city, country), to me and my husband, Jack Doe.

4. Sue Doe’s birth was not recorded by an official government agency or religious group. (or when applicable, Sue Doe’s birth was recorded by an official government agency, but her name was not listed on the birth certificate).

5. Sue Doe married Bob Smith on Jan. 1, 1970, in Madras, India. I was present at their wedding. This marriage was the first marriage for both of them.

6. Sue Doe has also used the names Sue Ming, etc. Sue Doe and Sue Ming are one and the same person. (necessary only if other names appear on applicant’s documents or applicant has used names, other than the married name).

Please note that a birth certificate or non-availability certificate from the Registrar of Births is necessary.

The affidavit should be executed by parents. If they are not alive or are unable to execute the affidavit due to physical or medical reasons, then the next appropriate person to execute an affidavit is a sister or brother who is at least 8 years older, grandparents, uncles or aunts. For children, affidavits should be obtained from grandparents, aunts or uncles, preferably one from each side.


If affidavit is executed by older sister or brother:

#3 should change to:

Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in Madras, India, to our mother, (full name of mother) and our father, (full name of father). I have personal knowledge of the birth of Sue Doe, because I visited our mother at the hospital, immediately following the birth.

If affidavit is executed by grandparents:

#3 should change to:

Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in Madras, India, to my daughter, (full name of daughter) and her husband, (full name of husband) OR to my son, (full name of son) and his wife, (full name of wife). I have direct personal knowledge of the birth of Sue Doe, because I visited my daughter (or daughter-in-law) at the hospital, immediately following the birth.

If affidavit is executed by aunt or uncle:

Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in Madras, India, to my sister, (full name of sister) and her husband, (full name of husband) OR to my brother, (full name of brother) and his wife, (full name of wife). I have personal knowledge of the birth of Sue Doe, because I visited my sister (or sister-in-law) at the hospital, immediately following the birth.
No Title


The Immigration and Naturalization Service requires birth and marriage certificates issued by the municipality where the event took place. The birth certificate must include the full name of the child, date and place of birth and names of the parents. The marriage certificate must include the names of the parties, date and place of marriage.

If your birth or marriage was not recorded, you must submit the following documents:

1) A certificate from municipality where you were born or where the marriage took place, stating that your birth or marriage was not recorded and is unavailable; and,

2) Two affidavits from individuals who have personal knowledge of the birth or the marriage (preferably your parents or close older relatives). The affidavits must include information on the affiant (address, age, nationality), information on the birth or marriage (date, place, parties, parents) and how the affiant has personal knowledge of the birth or marriage.

NOTE: If your birth or marriage certificate is incomplete (i.e. wrong date, wrong name or no name), you must submit affidavits along with the birth or marriage certificate. The affidavits should provide an explanation of the discrepancy. Please make certain that all the names which appear on the affidavits are full and correct names, not initials. Also, if the birth or marriage was not registered within four years of the event, two affidavits are required in addition to the birth or marriage certificate.


State of _________________)
                                ) ss:
County of ________________)

Jane Doe (Must insert full name of affiant, Not Mrs. Doe, Ms. Doe, etc. no initials), being duly sworn, deposes and says:

1. I am a citizen and national of ________ (country), currently residing at ________________________ (present address).

2. I was born on June 1, 1930, in _______ (city, country) and I am the mother of Sue Doe (Must insert full name of applicant, first, middle, and last name).

3. Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in _______ (city, country), to me and my husband, Jack Doe.

4. Sue Doe’s birth was not recorded by an official government agency or religious group. (or when applicable, Sue Doe’s birth was recorded by an official government agency, but her name was not listed on the birth certificate).

5. Sue Doe married Bob Smith on Jan. 1, 1970, in Madras, India. I was present at their wedding. This marriage was the first marriage for both of them.

6. Sue Doe has also used the names Sue Ming, etc. Sue Doe and Sue Ming are one and the same person. (necessary only if other names appear on applicant’s documents or applicant has used names, other than the married name).

Please note that a birth certificate or non-availability certificate from the Registrar of Births is necessary.

The affidavit should be executed by parents. If they are not alive or are unable to execute the affidavit due to physical or medical reasons, then the next appropriate person to execute an affidavit is a sister or brother who is at least 8 years older, grandparents, uncles or aunts. For children, affidavits should be obtained from grandparents, aunts or uncles, preferably one from each side.


If affidavit is executed by older sister or brother:

#3 should change to:

Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in Madras, India, to our mother, (full name of mother) and our father, (full name of father). I have personal knowledge of the birth of Sue Doe, because I visited our mother at the hospital, immediately following the birth.

If affidavit is executed by grandparents:

#3 should change to:

Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in Madras, India, to my daughter, (full name of daughter) and her husband, (full name of husband) OR to my son, (full name of son) and his wife, (full name of wife). I have direct personal knowledge of the birth of Sue Doe, because I visited my daughter (or daughter-in-law) at the hospital, immediately following the birth.

If affidavit is executed by aunt or uncle:

Sue Doe was born on June 3, 1950, in Madras, India, to my sister, (full name of sister) and her husband, (full name of husband) OR to my brother, (full name of brother) and his wife, (full name of wife). I have personal knowledge of the birth of Sue Doe, because I visited my sister (or sister-in-law) at the hospital, immediately following the birth.