Help Requested Post 2 (kartheg2, rm_72756)


Registered Users (C)
Hi kartheg2, rm_72756, others:

I tried to send you private messages but it didn't go through - perhaps, you have disabled the option of receiving PM.
Here are my other questions:
(6) My MIL's ticket expires on April 28, 2005. If I need to extend the ticket, I need to pay $300. Since I don't know if the extension of stay will be granted, I rather not take the risk and lose the money. How did you handle this matter ?
(7) Do you know how long CSC currently takes for extension of stay applications ?
(8) What did you write down for Part 4 - Additional Info ?,ie, fully describe how you are supporting yourself. Include income, amount, and basis for any income.
(9) What did you write down for reason for extension ?

Sorry for the many questions but I plan to submit the application this week. Please respond as soon as possible. Thanks very much for your kind help.

Best Regards,

it has a sample fom as well.

I sent the application to NSC. I didnt send the ticket along with the application.

Filing fee check for E-File and I-94

Hi rm_72756:

When e-filing, is the filing fee check to be included in the supporting doc package? or can you pay online ?

Did you send the I-94 copy or original ? I'm asking because the I-539 form instructions asks for the original but the immihelp recommends photocopy (also mentions the original, which maybe a typo?)
