Help! Qualification of EB2


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1. The DOL show the DBA, database administrator, only require BS.
If i have a MS, and put MS degree on the job requirement, am i quailified for EB2 even DOL not require? same thing for Software Engineer. please advise...

2. also the SWA response for wage request shows DBA with MS + 0 is under level 2 and salary is only $48K in TX, even though my salary is level 3.
is this salary too low for eb2 when DOL or INS review it or doesn't matter as long as whatever SWA provide?

thanks a lot
MS+0 for a DBA position is still "normal" according to DOL's O*NET occupation classification system since it is SVP Level 7 (4 years of SVP). They just stats that most jobs require at leats a BS. This doesn't mean a DBA's job cannot require MS.

MS+0 is categoried as Level II by SWA determining PWD.

Determined wage doesn't matter as long as SWA provides it.

Your wage being more than PWD is should be fine. the problem only arises when your wage offered is less than PWD.
When should the 'wage offered' be applicable?

Although I know the answer for this, I would like to get inputs from the other members. When should the 'wage offered' be applicable? Is it necessary that an individual gets the 'wage offered' at the time of PERM application, I-140 application, I-485 application OR once the individual gets the final green card?

Any inputs will be appreciated.
mvinays said:
the problem only arises when your wage offered is less than PWD.
I think you should start receiving the wage offered once you get the green card. Is that correct?
That is my understanding as well. What it means is - currently, you may be obtaining a salary lesser than the prevailing wage. However, my another question is - how binding is the prevailing wage on the current salary obtained by an individual?.

I had heard in the past the 95% number implying that the current salary should atleast be 95 % of the prevailing wage? Or was it that the 'offered salary' should be atleast 95% of the prevailing wage?

Any inputs?

braniand said:
I think you should start receiving the wage offered once you get the green card. Is that correct?