Help please --PP stamping in Dallas!


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I have made an appointment for PP stamping on June 7th at 9am. here are the questions:

1) do I need to go there a couple of hours earlier to stay in line or it's ok as long as I'd be there at 9am?
2) can I bring my little bay with me since I can't find a babysitter?

Please share your experience. thanks in advance.
Show up 10 - 15 mins before 9 AM. Show your letter to the security gaurd at the door and he will let you in.
you can go there 10-15 min earlier. you need to get a token number at the window, but you need not wait in the line.(which i believe is for people without appointments).You can go straight to the window and get your token and after you enter in you will be served almost immediately(5-10 min).

I need to do stamping as well - How many appointments do u need ?
need one for each person or one for the family ? - I took one for each but could not get another for my daughter.

I doubt they do not allow any more walkins in Dallas. Only appointments.