Help please E2


New Member
I'm looking at the E2 with my brother. We want to go into a retail outlet 50/50 as we both have experience in the field. Will the application need to show that we are both putting in the same investment? The reason for this is we are looking to sell my house to fund the purchase of the business and hold his as our joint UK address for when we come back. That way we can rent it out and earn a bit more money.
David M
Also has anyone been through the embassy recently.
Any idea of the waiting times, ? and also has Meg Olsen gone!. If so does anyone know the new adjudicating officer. Male female, name etc.

I am putting together the application and can find no reference to binder size for the E2. On the embassy web site it says a hard back binder .
Does anyone know if it can be ring binder,clips, thick, thin ?
Any help here would be appreciated