Help on this situation- please!!!!!!


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Help on Citizenship Denial- Need Direction Please!!!!!!

Need some suggestions here other then see a lawyer, which I am in the process of doing now. Before I filed my N400 three years ago I went to an immigration lawyer- obviously the wrong one. I was concerned that my rebellious youth may have produced something in my background and being that it was 20 years ago I could not recall what could come up in a rap sheet. Now that I have read some of the stories on this forum (something I wish I had discovered a while back) I see one can easily do a background check but at the time of my inquiry my lawyer lead me to believe that it would be difficult to do a background check on my self. In short my lawyer told me to not state anything on the application unless I knew specifics such as crime, date and incident. On my interview my officer made me aware that the FBI report came up with an arrest for shoplifting that ocured 20 years ago. Apparently I used a bogus name but it was my fingerprints. She did give me the English test and told me to check into the arrest and come back with a disposition of the arrest. I returned with the proper document from the court stating the case was finalized and closed and she told me my case would continue and I would hear a decision in 2 months. I just learned my case was denied but the denial letter never reached me. I was also told that a copy of the letter can not be given to me and that I have to obtain it through the Freedom of Information route and that it will take 6-9 months before I get a response. I recently discussed my case with an immigration lawyer who will not take my case because criminal law is beyond her. She told me not to go back to immigration without a lawyer because she has heard of horror stories about people being detained. She referred me to other sources and suggested I take care of this matter ASAP –which I agree.
Does it take 6- months to get a one-page letter fro the Freedom of Information Act –immigration gave me a form to submit. Has anyone had to get his or her decision letter this route? If yes, how long did it take?
I want to file my N400 again and soon but I need to see the reason for denial. Yes, it’s obvious what the reason is but I need to be certain. My other question is this. I want to have this arrest removed from my record but the only way is to have it pardoned by the Governor of the state (because it occurred in the state of Massachusetts and there areas no expungements in this state) what do I do, how do I begin this nightmarish process of requesting a pardon. Has anyone been though this? Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Again, I have begun the process of searching for an attorney. Recommendations are welcome. My criminal /immigration attorney should be able to practice in Massachusetts. I reside in Manhattan. Help!
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