Help on ETA9089 please!!!


Registered Users (C)
My lawyer filled my ETA9089 form like this:
Under H. Job Opportunity Information:
4. Education: minimum education level required: Master
4.B. Major field of study: Library science
7. Is there an alternate field of study that is acceptable? Yes
7.A. If yes, specify: Information Science

My job requires MLS, which is master of library science. My degree is master of information science, which is an equivalent to MLS. So my ad says MLS/MSIS.

My question is:
Would "yes" to Q.7 increase my chance to audit?
In 4.B, could I say Library Science and Information science so I could say "no" to alternate field of study?

Thanks a lot!
Put Library Sci or Info Sci for 4B.

Say that alternate field of study is not acceptable. (Q H-7.)

Make sure you qualify for it through "primary" set of minimum requirements and not through "alternate" set of minimum requirements to avoid denial.

Good luck!
Here is what I mean:

H-4. Master's
H-4A blank
H-4B. Information Science or Library Science
H-7. No
H-7A. blank

Good luck!!
I am in a similar situation and I am trying to understand it better.
My question is :
If 9089 is giving us a provision of having a alternate Qualification/Experience than why are we getting a denial.
OR in other words why can't we fulfill it using secondary qualification ?

loki_l77 said:
I am in a similar situation and I am trying to understand it better.
My question is :
If 9089 is giving us a provision of having a alternate Qualification/Experience than why are we getting a denial.
OR in other words why can't we fulfill it using secondary qualification ?


Read the following thread fully to get an answer to your question: