help needed from experts. laid off, and got a RFE on Aug. 5th.


New Member
Hi, Guys,

I belong to those unlucky ones. I got laid off three months ago. Since then, I have been actively looking for a job. Then yesterday before I headed for a job interview, I checked the AVM and found that I got a RFE. Not sure what it is, but I am sure that I sent all required documents to my lawyer last August.

So, guys, what should I do now except to get a job asap? Here are my details:

RD: 08/15/2001
ND: 10/15/2001
FP received: 01/10/2002
REF issued: 08/05/2002
EAD expired: 10/31/2002.

From my reading the posts here, I guess that most likely the REF is about employment letter, or recent paycheck stubs.

Guys, please give me suggestions, I’d really appreciate it.


Some how you need to manage to get employment letter & one pay stub

If you will be lucky, if the rfe is not about your employment.
If it is so, some how you need to manage emplyment letter & atleast one pay stub either from your previous employer or from a new employer ..

Bottom line is if RFE is about your employmnet, then if you can't produce pay stubs, atleast you should able to produce an emplyment letter ..

Good luck dude ..

You need to wait till the RFE arrives. It could be for anything. If indeed it is for the paystubs then there is really no alternative to getting a job. You have a month to respond to the RFE. I guess your priority would be to get a job ASAP. If the RFE is not for paystubs then it buys you more time. Did your sponsoring company inform the INS when they let you go? If they did then that would have definitely generated the RFE. Good Luck.

You will have 12 weeks to reply on the RFE.

Check your RFE letter....they will specify ....replies after 12 weeks will not be accepted.....something like that....

My RFE....was dated 07/17/2002...but reply was expected before october....

So...if you are lucky enough....wait for two months....look for job...

Good luck.
Where are so called expert now?

I seen so called expert like dma-va, ric2, pateintGC, jgtan97 etc. posting message every 5 minutes. Where are those jerk now to answere this persons situations?

All those jerk are doing is posting some unnecessery bullish stuff. Now my questions to those jerks, what happen to this guy if he cant produce any pay stubb and employemnt letter?
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Mr habib this is very simple

If his RFE is about the employment letter or paystub then there are only two ways-either he has to get a new job or request his last employer to help him out within 12 weeks. If he doesn't manage either of these then he would be denied the Green Card . I know it is harsh and this is why nobody
mentioned it clearly but all the postiings suggest the same thing. It is very simple Mr Habib!
Habibi dear,

I agree with what Nimbak said.

But at least GCphilips is not going to get the unique kind of RFE that u r anticipating (that is for gender verification, he she or it ).

This guy at worst will have to go back to his home country. He will work hard and get back to achieve something in life. But u will have nowhere to go after u get RFE (not even up there, probably ):p :p
relax and hope for the best

Relax GCPhillips. Take it a little easy. Wait for the RFE to arrive. I think what 'waitingapproval' says is correct. If it's an employment based RFE, then at the very least an employment letter offer would be reqd.

Meanwhile do your best for the job search. Best Wishes
habibi sahab ka koi kasur nahin hai

dma_va I agree with you.par bhai, habibi sahab kya karein,
wo na to HE hain na hi SHE.
GCPhillips and Guys,

AC21 law should come to your help and if you think Green Card is a MUST for you then you should be ready for tricky situations:

1) Because 180 days have passed, try your best to get a new job, try especially body shoppers.

2) if you happen to know any consulting firm personally, then request them to hire you for a short period of time (If it happens to be someone who is your close friend.. tell them that you will repay any expense incurred by him.) I know its not legal, but legally you should not be getting your green card under these situations.

However, if you think GC is just one aspect of life (and still can't find a job), then try going back home and live a decent and respectfull life.

I know its easier said than done but your best bet is to look for a job in the short run.
GCPhillips, wait for the RFE to arrive, you should get it within a week.

Mr/Ms habib, if you want to talk about "laid off, fake degree" etc create another thread.
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go to

Hi GCPhillips,

Go to and post the same in the ask the attorney thread. Alen Heckler attorney will answer your query in a day.

vivekm put it right

vivekm has put it right...

Get a job...hook or doesnt matter...
U need a get it.....

for HAbib....
I havent seen you(IT) ever give anybody, one single good please keep UR mouth shut...and if U need any help...just post here....I am sure people will gladly help you, even after all the rubbish U have done:p :p
Two advice - One for GC Philips , One for Habib

GC Philips,
This is in case your RFE is for employment letter, paystub etc.
Sometime back One of my friend was in a similar situation as you are now . Luckily for him his brother was a green card holder and had a company registered under his name for his consulting work. So my friend got an employment letter from his brother's company giving all the details. He was also shown as a consultant.
Try to find somebody who has got a company registered on his name. Get a letter and arrange for a paystub. If you cannot arrange the paystub in the available time, just send the letter, they would come back asking for paystub giving you some more time.

Your eagerness to get answer for GCPhillips surprises me. Because typically you hate these cases(laid off). Unless of course you want these answers for yourself too, since you are in a similar situation. Look out of your window, pump no. 7 credit card scanner is not working!!