Help needed for FP

Abrakadabra Pen

Registered Users (C)
I have my FP scheduled for 4th. of April and my wife\'s due date is 5th. of April. Is there any way I can get my FP pre-poned ?
Any help in this matter is appreciated.
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You should not have any problem. Get a letter from your doctor specifying your wife\'s due date and visit INS on a wednesday or saturday. Since they have evidence in person and in paper, things should be ok for you.
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Check with your local Application Support Center (ACS). They should be able to answer this query. Each ASC has its own policy.
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I did not quite get you Ranjan. You mean to say I can walk into the INS Newark office with my wife along with Doctor\'s letter and FP notices ( and anything else needed) and get them done before my scheduled appointment ???
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My scheduled appointment is March 16th. I was thinking to go earlier but now did not go based on one posting which said INS was reluctant to take FP but still they did FP when he said he would be out of country at that time. Many postings had said that they did their FP ahead of time(even without any proper reason). You can give it a shot at the earliest, which I think has 90% chance of success, since your reasons are genuine and very much valid(no one can ask you to postpone delivery), which will be understood by INS. It is just my thinking, but your call.
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I am also in a similar situation. FP on 3/27 in Boston, wife due date 3/21. I just called a 800 number from INS Finger Printing site and the person says I will have to postpone it by following the instructions on the FP document. After waiting for this long I do not want postpone it (unless there is no other way, of course) and want to get done with it at the earliest. Folks please post if any one did it earlier than the schd time in Boston. Thanks.
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i donot know about FP for NDs between Oct 99 and Mar 00, but I belong to the second club of post Apr 00. My FP notice mentioned I could do it in a particular week of 8th Jan 2001, or any following Wednesday for next 3 months until 13th April 2001. If your notice mentions that, then post-poning is also a viable option. It takes less than 30 minutes to get the procedure completed, so you can get it done post-delivery... just a thought...
