Help: labor certificate processing time


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in order to argue with the 3rd prong for NIW, I plan to show it takes too much time to apply for Labor Certificate. However, I cannot find the numbers of months/years on Internet, --the backlog elimination center allows you to check status only if you have an ETA number.

Can you kindly tell me how to prepare for this part?

by the way, I also plan to provide the evidence of the damage in US due to the problems I am working on, for the 3rd prong of NIW. Any other suggestion?

in order to argue with the 3rd prong for NIW, I plan to show it takes too much time to apply for Labor Certificate. However, I cannot find the numbers of months/years on Internet, --the backlog elimination center allows you to check status only if you have an ETA number.
I don't think that is a wise argument.
Department of LC is one of the departments in their system.

by the way, I also plan to provide the evidence of the damage in US due to the problems I am working on, for the 3rd prong of NIW. Any other suggestion?
What damages, what problems? You may sound too negative, which the officers may not like.
For the suggestions, you could search this Forum using key words. I believe there are wonderful discussions already in the archive.
thank you very much to point out, --I now realize that I mis-stated the 3rd prong, which is to show "The foreign national will serve the national interest to a substantially greater degree than would an available U.S. worker having the same minimum qualifications."

OK, I think I want to show "it would be adverse to US if the petitioner is not granted NIW but rather through LC procedure", so I prepare evidence for LC processing time and damage due to toxic minerals in US. Does it still make sense?

anyone knows about the LC processing time? please share; thank you.
Try google search the LC processing time, some law firms may have the data, in my memory. Especially for the fast lane PERM, the LC processing time depends on the category under which you are apply for. Some categories like computer programmer, system administrator, accountant, got LC really fast; while other categories might take long. It also depends on the years, in 2005 or so, it was really fast: my colleagues (faculty in an university) got it in one week, in two weeks, and in six months. (I have three colleagues went through LC PERM in 2005-2006. While before 2005 PERM, the usual LC took 1.5 to 2 years. Nowadays, it could be 0.5 to 1 year.
I don't have any solid evidence for the above sayings though: heard the stories here and there.

In my memory in exact this forum, someone already tried this approach: for the 3rd prong in NIW, said something about LC, and it didn't go through. Search in this forum. There are discussions and suggestions on how to prepare for the 3rd prong in NIW positively.

Reading the 3rd prong you quoted, to me it seems that you need to emphasize your serve and your work is the interest of the country. The damage due to toxic minerals in US is fine as long as it links to your field, but again you might want to emphasize more on how your work can IMPROVE the living in US. I wouldn't say too much about the LC procedure negatively. Similar to the case: you want to show that you are very intelligent , saying all the people in US are stupid offends the officers, the better way, you say that you are better than the others in your fields.
thanks! Your suggestion (in the last paragraph) is the exactly the one I'd like to pursue. //bow