Help from US Ambasady to PR abroad?


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My friend has green card and is citizen of his Poland. He is going to take a trip to a country, where is no ambasady of Poland, but there is US Ambasady. If he get some problems or need some help, can US ambasador help him cause he is permanent resident of the USA ?
JoeF said:
For example, the US doesn't have an embassy in Iran. Some other country, if I remember right, Switzerland, provides services to American citizens in Iran in their embassy.

That's right. And in USA, Pakistani embassy helps Iranian citizens. However, 3rd party embassy can help only simple and straight-forward matters (e.g. passport renewal, accepting visa application). For complex issues, you always need to visit neighboring country where embassy is available.
Have him check Polish Foreign Affairs web site. He can find whether there is a Polish embassy in the destination country and if there is none which embassy actually provides services for Polish citizens.

I'd suggest to make note of the address and phone number of the embassy handling his destination country and keep the note with him at all times.

US embassies usually cannot help PRs, except for issuing documents related to lost green cards etc.
That is correct usually. I have a friend who found himself with his family in the midst of political unrest in a a foreign country a few years ago. His wife and daughter who were with him were US Citizens, he had a Green Card. US Embassy did help him evacuate back to US. I'm sure if he were by himself he might have not received any help.