Help Fee N400


Registered Users (C)
Hello Friends,

My wife and myself submitted N400 some time back. It was received on February 4th.

We sent two checks for $675 as application fee. My receipt says that $675 received. But in my wife's receipt says that the fee was only $400, it was overpaid and a check will be issued for $275 within a month.

My question is what is the application fee for secondary applicant? My wife is secondary applicant and I am the primary applicant here.

I am little worried,

Thank you
Don't worry

kindly some one respond please

I don't know what to tell you but I wouldn't worry about it. If USCIS gives you back refund towards your wife's application, let it be that way. As long as they have everything they are looking for, there is no reason for you to loose sleep over it. Enjoy that extra change.
No Primary secondary applicant..

There is no such thing called Primary or secondary applicant for Citizenship.
Both the applications are independent and you will have 2 separate interviews and different IO's are assigned to the cases as well.
strange, what does the online status say? the normal rule is dont ask USCIS anything unless really required and dont tell anything that is not asked for. if you get any refund, keep it, but i am sure at some stage they may ask for it too. looks like a computer software bug when the operator entered instead of 8 or 7, 6 or some other number and system thinks the fee as of application date is 400.