Help completing I-130A Form?


New Member
I’m trying to fill in the I-130A form and I need to use the extra paper for additional information. I’m getting really confused on the “item number” part.
For example, I am trying to add more addresses that I have lived. The address section is “part 1” and ends on item 9.b. However, part 1 also continues with information about parents from 10.a. to 23.
Since I am adding an address, do I state that it is item number 9.c. (underneath the address section) or 24. (underneath parents information)?

Hopefully this makes sense, thanks so much!
I would think using 9.c. 9.d. ... is more logical. Item 9 is for address and all address should be sub item of 9
I would think using 9.c. 9.d. ... is more logical. Item 9 is for address and all address should be sub item of 9
This is what I had thought. I tried to contact USCIS through their live chat and they said they don’t have access to the forms and that I need to seek advice elsewhere!
I’m part of a Facebook group and people have said that I need to use the item number “6a-7b” so I’m just getting more and more confused!
But on second thoughts after I closely read I-130A form :

Item 8.a to 9.b is for last physical address outside US, there is only one last address.
Physical address 1 and 2 are Item 4.a to 7.b. Other Physical address in last 5 years should be continuation of these
I would think it would be logical to use 6.a. to 7.b. as item number of all additional addresses. You can't use 8.a since that is for last addr outside US. Just my opinion.
But on second thoughts after I closely read I-130A form :

Item 8.a to 9.b is for last physical address outside US, there is only one last address.
Physical address 1 and 2 are Item 4.a to 7.b. Other Physical address in last 5 years should be continuation of these
I would think it would be logical to use 6.a. to 7.b. as item number of all additional addresses. You can't use 8.a since that is for last addr outside US. Just my opinion.
Yes this is exactly how it was explained to me so I think it’s most logical that I use 6.a. - 7.b. for each additional address!
Thank you so much! I’ve been really stressing over this and couldn’t find a straight answer anywhere!