help! applied expedited service for passport


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hello everyone! i applied a name change on my US passport last week (due to marriage) less than one year since my US passport was issued. i received a call from the charleston passport facility in south carolina that was asking for a call back. it was in regards to the check i included with the application ($60 for expedited service). i believe it's because the name on the check was still under my maiden name and i guess they just want to make sure that the check is still valid -- which it still is. unfortunately, i accidentally erased the message even before i was able to get the number where i need to call the lady back. i called the national passport center and relayed my situation. unfortunately, they don't have a number for the charleston passport facility either. they did, however, made a note on my account that i'm asking for a call back from the facility. they also told me that they have received my application today (mailed it overnight last week) and it's processing already. however, the lady said it's not noted on my account that it's under the expedited service. does any one out there that had to make a call to charleston passport facility and know the number? i'm so jittery and i just want this to be straightened out. i've been checking my messages all day hoping that they'd called me back, but to no avail. anyone out there that can help me with my situation. thanks in advance!
Unfortunately I don't have the information you're asking for, but there are several things I found strange in your message.
1. The signature in the message is of someone who just got a green card, not U.S. citizenship. I guess you're sending your message through your spouse's account.
2. What is the panick about. You seem to show a lot of anxiety in your message, but it is not clear for what reason. It seems the passport is being processed, and the main point is the expedited/non-expedited thing. Are you in such a hurry?
3. In case you were planning for vacation, wouldn't it have been better to delay the new passport until coming back from your vacation?

I understand that in emergency cases they can process passport on the same day. I believe you have to show proof of the emergency need.

My 2 cents.
yea, i forgot to change the signature. i changed it when we were posting regarding my husband's application for GC. anyway, the reason i'm quite anxious is that i paid for the expedited service because i wanted to get my corrected passport within 2 weeks. i am traveling next month and if they process my passport using the routine service, it might not get here by the time i need to go out of the country. that's why i paid extra to make sure that my passport arrives way before my scheduled trip outside the country. i couldn't have waited to change my name on my passport because my ticket and id shows my married name. i learned from somewhere that passport, ticket, and id should match especially if you're traveling. if that information is incorrect, well too late now. i've submitted my passport. i just hope it gets processed via the expedited service so it gets here this week.
Ok. I am not expert but I think you have a few choices. You could try to retrieve your phone records to see whether it has the phone number from which they left you the message. This could help. Second, you have already made contact with the passport agency, you could probably call them again to see if there is anything you can do to expedite the passport. You could mention that you're thinking about showing up to get a passport made on the same day, explain your situation, perhaps they can help you.

I would think that the $60 check is the least of your worries now, and that your main problem is to get a new passport in time. I hope something of what I said helps you get the passport in time. Do a search in the forum for expedited or same day passport, perhaps there is more info available.
hi huracan! thank you for taking time in answering my questions and giving me suggestions. i appreciate it. unfortunately, i've tried calling back the number that registered on my phone. the call won't go through. so that was a dead-end. i'm not fretting over the $60 that i've paid. it hasn't been cashed anyway. but what i'm anxious about is that i want to get an expedited service because of the time constraint and i hope that they'll be able to straighten it out before the 2 weeks timeframe for expedited service runs out. i just hope that the lady calls me back soon and leaves another number so i can call them and straighten out any questions they may have.