Help - Application time-frame for WHM Visa in India


New Member
Can anybody confim what is the total time taken to apply for a UK Working Holiday Maker visa in India (any VFS center Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, etc) assuming you satisfy the criteria and provide all relevant and proper documentation. (with or without an interview)

The British High Commission website says in a FAQ:
"If you do not need an interview, we should return your passport to the VFS application centre, or send it to you by courier, within two working days. If we need to interview you, we aim to give you an appointment on the next working day. Unfortunately, there will be times - particularly at very busy travel times - when we cannot reach these standards with all applications. Please help us to continue to give you the best possible service by giving us enough time to process your application. We recommend that you allow at least three months for settlement visas (if you are applying to live in the UK permanently) or a month for non-settlement visas (all other types of application)."

How correct is this from the ground reality, as I have heard people tell me it could take upto 6 months to get a WHM visa in India?

Also do you know of any reliable and efficient Immigration consultancies that deal with WHM applications?

To put my query into perspective: I am currently in UK on SEGS visa expiring end of July and before it expires I would like to pick up an IT contract job, quickly rush down to India and come back with a WHM visa.

Any info or advice would be appreciated...