HELP! About receiving the plastic card...


Registered Users (C)
Hi all,

I have a question about receiving my physical card.

I got back from LAX on 01/08/2005. It has been almost 30 days. I called the USCIS 800 number, and they told me they can't find any information/update that they need to send me a welcome letter or physical card. They asked me to go to my local USCIS office for further information since there is something wrong.

So I went to the local USCIS office on 02/03/2005, but the office said I have to wait for at least TWO months before checking the staus with them. Also, the officer said she doesn't see any problem at all on case.

I'm kind of confusesed now. Since according to USCIS 800 #, if I become a resident and don't receive the welcome letter within 30 days. I should call them right away.....but our local officer is kind of disagree with on that.
What should I do now?

Also, my wife got back a week later than I do, but she already received the physical card just in 10 days after her arrival.

I'm planning to call the 800 # again on Monday, can anyone please tell me what information the officer need to see on his/her PC, then they can send me the welcome letter???

Thanks, Eric