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have you been call by the embassy


Registered Users (C)
30th September is just around the corner and if you have been placed under administrative review, and you had a call from the embassy for your visa please list here
30th September is just around the corner and if you have been placed under administrative review, and you had a call from the embassy for your visa please list here

My sister is in the same boat. She interviewed in dakar on Setp 8 and was advised at the end that everything is fine and they be in contact with her as soon as processing is complete. I called the visa office-State department in Washington. They told me that my sister's case is under administrative processing.

You might want to phone them as well, their number is 202 663 1225, then press 1, then 0, you might wait for few minutesbefore being connected, they would need your dv case number and name. They will tell you the status as well.

Since I am living in the U.S , I will be contacting high officials from the visa department to interviene because it doesn't make sense to schedule peole for interview and delay them after collecting their money....Give me a denial or approval at least.. I don't care, but don't leave people anxious with their future.
Let me know how we can have a private exchange, I 'd be willing to call you!

Geraldest , I will keep you updated as information becomes available.
Hi friend, thanks for all the efforts you are making in helping your sister and others it is really hectic for us this time waiting since the deadline is getting nearer and we haven,t receive a call from the embassy.i will keep you posted about our developments.you may e-mail me through geraldoernest@yahoo.com. Thanks
30th September is just around the corner and if you have been placed under administrative review, and you had a call from the embassy for your visa please list here

So if some one is underadmistrative after sep.30th do he/she have a chance to get the visa? A friend has completed his intervew since june till now they are not yet call him for his visa.