Have we seen any June/July 2002 approvals.


There is a total drought of approvals/rfe or any kind of movement for june/july 02 cases. mine is wac-02-212-5xxxx touch date is jan 2003.
what do you mean by touch date. Did you receive RFE ?
or any 2nd FP?


tihomg said:
There is a total drought of approvals/rfe or any kind of movement for june/july 02 cases. mine is wac-02-212-5xxxx touch date is jan 2003.
my touch date is 05/05/04

I had a touch date of 11/14/03 till 2 weeks back, then it changed to 05/05/04.

I am not sure it means.
When you say "Touch date" what does that mean.....? Did they update some info or issued RFE FP?????

sri3440 said:
I had a touch date of 11/14/03 till 2 weeks back, then it changed to 05/05/04.

I am not sure it means.

"Touch date" need not mean anything. All it means is that someone opened/moved/edited your file. Read the disclaimer on the bottom of the case status page with regards to "Touch date".
Am a June 2002 case....No progress in status since July, 2002....the "last update" date shows Feb, 2004 and am not sure what that's about.
I have not seen any approvals for June/July/August-02. But there were some random approvals in Sept/Oct/Dec-02. It appears that we may have to wait couple of months as we do not have 2nd Finger Print Notices or RFE yet. Online Portifolio shows my last updated date was 04/07/04. I did not see anything happend to my case since then. Unless I see any change in my case, I do not relay on this and it has no meaning. Let us keep our fingers crossed. Good luck!
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July 2002 case

RFE generated on April 14th and recd. on 30th April - the usual EVL, W-2s, etc. Send RFE on May 7th and still waiting for a response.

2 EADs/3 APs.

FP - Feb 2003
That is good....at least there is some movement in june/july case....

sb_desi_gc said:
July 2002 case

RFE generated on April 14th and recd. on 30th April - the usual EVL, W-2s, etc. Send RFE on May 7th and still waiting for a response.

2 EADs/3 APs.

FP - Feb 2003
Probably the fruit of the pilot program. sb_desi_gc, are you an EB2 140/485 concurrent filer?

It is good to know that JIT report makes more sense now. It will be 6 more months to my case according to JIT report in CA (Mar 2002 now).

EVL: Employment Verification Letter
RFE: Request for Further Evidence
AP: Advance Parole
EAD: Employment Athorization Docuement
JIT: Pig which just moved
IIO: Lazy people at INS
You: A Victim....

candyroy said:
What does EVL mean??
HI SB Desi

Did you do anything special (like a fax/congressman) do generate the RFE. I have the same 02-245 WAC and have not heard anything from BCIS, the website still shows Sep '02 when they recvd my FP
candyroy said:
What does EVL mean??

Employment Verification Letter. Did you get one? Could you post your case deatails like Receipt Date (RD), Notice Date (ND), Finger Print Date (FP)