Has Anyone Petitioned Out of Wedlock Children?


Registered Users (C)
I was wondering if anyone has petitioned out of wedlock children and if so, what was the process/experience like?
Here is my situation.
I've just became a USC,this after being a GC holder for 24 years.
I have 3 children from my first marriage,they are now adults and natural born
USC.My two sons served in the armed forces one in the Navy,the other one in the Marines.I also have a daughter.This marriage lasted 8 years.(1978-1986)In 1986 I met a women with whom I conceived two sons out of wedlock,they were born in Mexico.My first son with this person was born in 1988,my second son in 1989.They both have my last name in their BC.In 1990 I married for the second time to a lovely lady who had two kids from a previous marriage.She is a USC and so are my stepsons,both are now adults also.
My question is,has anyone gone thru this process/experience and if so can you comment on your experience(what to expect..etc)Thanks in advance.