Please post a rough geographic location when posting information.
A AUSTechWorker Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #1 Please post a rough geographic location when posting information.
A AUSTechWorker Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #2 AVM said FP notices sent: State: Oregon - WAC-01-214-XXXXX
T ThinkDifferent Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #3 per AVM FP issued on 10/3 RD 5/23 ND 7/27
I itwizard Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #4 Received FP appointment in Phoenix, AZ
L lnkoya Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #5 No Title Could Yu pl post yr rd and nd and ap dates.I am also from AZ
I itwizard Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #6 Dates My details are as follows: EB2(RIR) PD: 07/00 RD: 04/30/01 ND: 06/29/01 AP: 08/17/01 FP: SCHEDULED: 11/03/01 NO EAD YET!
Dates My details are as follows: EB2(RIR) PD: 07/00 RD: 04/30/01 ND: 06/29/01 AP: 08/17/01 FP: SCHEDULED: 11/03/01 NO EAD YET!
K Kakinada Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #7 Any one from Seattle area got FP? My RD 4/9, ND 4/30; No FP yet. The AVM sez\' 975 to 999 dez still.
J jheoaustin Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #8 Austin, TX, WAC-01-136, FP received and done 8/22/2001, FBI sent it to TSC...
N Newton Registered Users (C) May 30, 2002 #9 No Title Chicago, IL. Received on 08/30/2001. Done FP on 10/2/2001 but the FP results sent to Nebraska center.
No Title Chicago, IL. Received on 08/30/2001. Done FP on 10/2/2001 but the FP results sent to Nebraska center.