has anybody been able to send an inquiry

I have an Oct 01 ND and asked IIO for an inquiry and even she tried to do that but she said her computer failed to do that. As of last week, their computers were only accepting inquiries for receipts with ND after Aug. 24th, 2001.:mad:
Nothing works.

I have tried the second layer, letter, local office, and my lawyer lodged a case status inquiry through the customer service second layer. After all these efforts and a few hundred dollars down the drain, I am no wiser. Now, I have convinced myself that ignorance is bliss.:)
nothing works ..

Sankrityayan, ghee, others
people in this forum have used congressman/senatorial help.
Has that worked based on what you guys have seen so far ?

Also does anyone know what an information supervisor is,
attached to the local (not Nebraska) office ? I had my file reviewed
by this person (through an intermediary), and the IS opened the
file, said everything was fine but to wait for 2 months. The fact that much later applicants have been approved cut no ice. Does
this review make any sense ?

RD 12/14/01
Re: nothing works ..

Originally posted by starbucks
Sankrityayan, ghee, others
people in this forum have used congressman/senatorial help.
Has that worked based on what you guys have seen so far ?

No, never tried the politicians. After the abuse and apathy of the past six years, I have acquired a certain sangfroid and, frankly, dont give a damn anymore.

Originally posted by starbucks
Also does anyone know what an information supervisor is,
attached to the local (not Nebraska) office ? I had my file reviewed
by this person (through an intermediary), and the IS opened the
file, said everything was fine but to wait for 2 months. The fact that much later applicants have been approved cut no ice. Does
this review make any sense ?

RD 12/14/01

I would imagine it is somebody not unlike an IIO. At and above a certain level within the INS hierarchy, they obviously can enter the system and review the information on your file and see details well beyond what the customer service people are able to. However, I dont think the local office has any decision making power unless the file is officially transferred to them.

Maybe your intermediary can get you access to NSC. That would really be worth something.

Good-luck. :)
Congressman's office used to

get some response back in the past. What happened now? don't they even get a printout from online status window? that is weird!
Re: Congressman's office used to

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
get some response back in the past. What happened now? don't they even get a printout from online status window? that is weird!

I did not see much of a point in seeking the help of public officials, as:

1. They are the ones who caused this mess, which they conveniently palm off as an administrative issue

2. The congressional liaison at the INS just provides the stock response that they are processing cases from Aug. 24, 2001 and since my RD falls after that, it is still to be picked up from the queue. From Greenland report and rupnet, we know that this is not true, but there is no piercing bureaucratic blinders, of-course!
If that is the case, then applicants from

even 06/01 are stuck. I was assuming there got to be some channel to communicate.
response to cmr ..

We contacted a family friend (local) who found he had a contact with the dept. of Homeland Security (personal level).
Our friend's HS contact referred him to the Information Supervisor
who is a local person (does not work in NSC, but apparently has
accesss to files). The IS apparently opened up my case, read out
the stuff to our friend, and said that everything appears OK and
we have to wait for 2 months at least since our turn had not yet
come. As Sankrityayan mentions, obviously the IS has no real power or accountability to adjudicate.

Take care.

Re: If that is the case, then applicants from

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
even 06/01 are stuck. I was assuming there got to be some channel to communicate.

You are right; on paper there are channels through which a case status inquiry can be lodged as long as the RD falls before the published processing date. Many people on these forums seem to have taken this route but they just get a brush-off response from the INS that their cases are pending secirity clearances (name check or some other such ruse). Of-course, the CIA and the FBI are involved in name checks and whenever these holy cows are in the picture, no hard questions are ever raised!
Is it sangfroid

or is it cynicism tinged with apathy? Or just plain diffused otherworldly existential acceptance of a situation of fact?

From personal experience I know that knocking on the congressman's doors does elicit the stock reaction. However the good news is that you don't have to take that lying down and can demand (well, charmingly extract) more follow up effort from the flunkey at the office. I don't know if my case was older than everybody else's (Sept 01) or the lady at the congressman's office had better rapport with the BCIS than other similar ladies (I would hate to attribute it to my own charm :)) but my experience with invoking the political officer's help has been both pleasantly surprising and more than pleasantly effective. So far.

G'wan, Sankrityayan and all others here, use your charm to good effect.
rate of approvals for older cases .. decreases

Thanks norfesep01, I assume you have got your approval or have
got some positive news.

rest of us - it appears that the Dec. 01 approvals peaked in
Aug, Sep, Oct 2003 and now it has slowed down. Now we see
a peak in Jan/Feb. 2002 cases (started since Nov. 2003). This will
get down around Feb. 2003 - I believe, and newer cases
will peak.

The rate of progress of older cases appears to slow down
progressively after the peak. So if your probability of getting
an approval during the peak period is 60%, then 1 month
after the peak the probability will be 30%, 2 months after the
peak it will be 10% and after that - well it maybe just an aberration.

So I think we all need to act now, for December cases.

I am working on our family friend (don't know how long he will
remain one) to talk to BCIS directly in NSC through his personal
contacts. Also thinking of contacting my local congressman - have
a 2 pronged strategy so to say.


what is your rd? Mine is Feb 02, but Apr 04 is the latest that an inquiry can be submitted according to IIO, I am sure that will move again.
Re: Is it sangfroid

Originally posted by norfesept01
or is it cynicism tinged with apathy? Or just plain diffused otherworldly existential acceptance of a situation of fact?

I am just a product of my environment. I dont have any objections against stipulating to a certain amount of cynicism as well. I would imagine it would take a Zen master to be able to maintain an optimistic countenance in the face of such double-speak. I do not want to endure this ordeal for much longer. The costs have begun to outweigh the benefits. I guess it is all in one's mind and for me, there is no attraction or charm left. I am in the process of tidying up a few loose ends and with some luck, off I will go to remake myself elsewhere. I would still need to keep coming back here for work related reasons and it would be infinitely simpler, and significantly more beneficial, if my I-485 is approved before I go.

There was a time in the past when I felt a strong magnetic pull from this country. I used to believe that the US is a great example of how modern societies should organize themselves. I know now that it is a noble experiment gone spectacularly wrong, or more specifically, hijacked by a powerful elite to serve their own self-interest. At one time, I had many of Lincoln's speeches memorized. I did not feel any shame when poeple back home used to laugh at it when I recited the lines in moments of inspiration. Now I realize that those lines provide excuses to mealy-mouthed politicians trying to achieve the exact opposite. I used to admire what from afar seemed to be open and honest public systems. From up close, I see staggering levels of corruption and arrogance. It seems that, at the end of the day, the only factors that set apart where I am now from where I come from is the wealth and military power of this country. So why bother?

Originally posted by norfesept01
From personal experience I know that knocking on the congressman's doors does elicit the stock reaction. However the good news is that you don't have to take that lying down and can demand (well, charmingly extract) more follow up effort from the flunkey at the office. I don't know if my case was older than everybody else's (Sept 01) or the lady at the congressman's office had better rapport with the BCIS than other similar ladies (I would hate to attribute it to my own charm :)) but my experience with invoking the political officer's help has been both pleasantly surprising and more than pleasantly effective. So far.

G'wan, Sankrityayan and all others here, use your charm to good effect.

I do accept your advice in the spirit in which it was given. I have to confess though that I am no ladies' man! As far as I know, people in the US have never found me charming. From their perspective, my accent is too thick, I speak too fast and there are too many rough edges and not enough polish. Most of the people that I encounter just look through me as if I did not exist. To make matters worse, I have neither the obsequiousness nor a talent for the role of the helpless immigrant in distress. So my only option is to ignore the abuse and hang tight, and when the outrage gets intolerable, sue. The judiciary is the only avenue where a principle has precedence over its political implications.

If I have learnt anything in my adult life, it is that whatever people say or portray, the real actions and motivations are invariably governed by the prevailing system of incentives. In my book, that is not cynicism; it is just reality. The instinct for self-preservation is as old as life itself. Let us then consider how the chips fall in the case of employment-based immigration; this is what I see:

The longer the period of limbo for employment-based immigrants,
- the better off the employers are
- the better for the lawyers as it means more fees
- the Treasury gets more border protection subsidy
- Congress' life is made easier as this mitigates the demographic strains faced by social security/medicare funding gap

It is a mammoth value shift from the immigrants to these other constituencies and I would guess this figure to be, say, $20 to 30 billion each year. I dont have to be a cynic to conclude that none of the stakeholders, bar the individuals concerned, will want to kill the proverbial goose that lays the golden egg.:rolleyes:
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Re: sankrit

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
what is your rd? Mine is Feb 02, but Apr 04 is the latest that an inquiry can be submitted according to IIO, I am sure that will move again.

Late Jan. I have talked to them and my indifferent lawyer has as well. They just sent a stock letter saying that they are processing cases from Aug. '01 and I will have to wait my turn.:eek:
sankrit, you sound pretty frustrated pal with

this country. I am kind of on the same boat too. I don't know what we are all after. Is that just money(your previous thread)? One of my Indian friends told me the whole point of him coming here is to get married back in India. American degree means better bride/money!
Lot of have passed our prime age and have seen the world and I guess are just getting older. I also often wonder what is this all about?
Re: sankrit, you sound pretty frustrated pal with

Originally posted by gheewalabhai888
this country. I am kind of on the same boat too. I don't know what we are all after. Is that just money(your previous thread)? One of my Indian friends told me the whole point of him coming here is to get married back in India. American degree means better bride/money!
Lot of have passed our prime age and have seen the world and I guess are just getting older. I also often wonder what is this all about?

Yes, you are right. I was terribly frustrated and disappointed, most of all with my own inertia over the past couple of years. However, after I forced myself to think it through and make up my mind, I am able to look forward to what is ahead. I feel a lot better now and my head is a lot lighter. I still feel some bitterness, but it is on the wane.

I cannot speak for others here (some have indeed spoken for themselves on this subject and in a few other cases one can make some simple deductions), but I did not come here for money per se. I can say that because, I was working in my home country for a comparable salary, in hard currency terms. Needless to say, that meant that I actually experienced a slight fall in the standard of living in a manner of speaking. To be honest though, I also benefited in some other, albeit non-monetary, ways by coming here.

It all sounds so absurd, but the more I think about it, the more convinced I am that the system is, quite deliberately, rigged against employment-based immigrants. For two years (the next assessment is due in a couple of months!), I voluntarily deferred a promotion, tried to keep salary increases within a reasonable limit, stayed put with my employer and yet, my attorney recently cautioned me that INS may have questions about the salary differential (around 40% over the LC wage). That for me was the last straw on the back of the camel.

You are also correct that some of my recent posts belonged in the controversial "if your home country .... " thread. But with all the arguments going on about its being off-topic, I got a bit side-tracked at the time. Apologies for being off-topic here.:)
Sank.., and Ghee...,

I read your comments about this whole story/process. I have been in the same position for the last 3 years (my RD is Feb2001!! yes, 2001!!). To let you know that inquiry is almost meaningless to me. I have tried whatever you may think or plan to do. From asking directly to going to senator or congressman office!! What I have received is what you can guess: It is under name check!! around 2 weeks ago, they sent me a computer generated letter (after I talked to them at their 1-800.. number) that your case is under name check!! How long does it take? God knows!!

Simply I am just giving up hopes to this whole process. This has made me to bleive that I have made a big mistake in my life (as my family has been always been telling me) to honestly work and bleive in some of the things (that now I find out are not true).

This is my true feeling now, aghajan