Has any TR case rcvd. Recruitment Instructions as yet?


Registered Users (C)
Has anybody heard / rcvd recruitment instructions for a TR case?

Gurus, Pls. post if you have ANY information regarding how the recruitment is going to be handled / how long the whole process would take for TR cases.

Many thanks
My information

PD: 10/28/2002
45 day letter: 11/14/2005
45 day letter replied: 11/20/2005
Waiting for recruitment instructions. No idea when it will happen.

We should keep this forum active so we know when people will start getting recruitment instructions?
My info:

CO-Reg-EB3-Mar2002-DBPC-Dec2004-45 day ltr-Oct2005
ETA Case # D-05139-*****
Any Updates

Has anybody in TR category in DBEC heard anything about recruitment instructions from BEC yet?