Has any Sept. ND(I485) been appproved yet?


Registered Users (C)
Hi guys:

 Want to know if any sept ND\'s have been approved so far!
My details are as follows:
EB2 India
RD Aug 21,00
ND Sept14,00
FP Feb 21,01

I didn\'t see any in the past few weeks. So, the answer is NO.

But, we will get there if NSC continues the same speed
and no brakes applied for Annual Audit next month.
No.. I\'m little behind Neelam

Still Waiting....
      PD: 11/98
I-485 RD: 08/28/00
I-485 ND: 09/18/00
FP : 02/21/01 (Chicago)
EAD Renewal Applied
Expecting before September END of 2001 or middle of October 2001

one of my friends got her passport stamped last friday.

her data:

PD: ~ 3/99
RD: 11/30/2000
AD last wed.

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No Kidding! 11/30/2000? The latest I heard is 8.21 RD, 9.21 ND. Let\'s hope your information is correct!!

Do you mind getting the Lin number (exclude the last five dig.) ?
Still Waiting....

PD: 9/98
I-485 RD: 08/24/00
I-485 ND: 09/12/00
FP : 02/21/01 (Chicago)
EAD Renewal Applied
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I did know her LIN#, but 100% sure.

my case is RD 8/30/00, ND: 9/20/00, FP 02/22/01 and waiting.
Start Checking

My NRD is Nov 00, and I thought I don\'t have to start checking the god damn INS machine for three more months!

Now because of your information, I guess I will have to start doing it once a week! like so many sorry souls out there who have been checking and disppointing night after night!!

Any other approval breaking news out there?
I know, these cases are called \'Pushed Cases\'. Either somone had a friend in INS or Senator/Congre

Pushed or Mistaked

I think once a while, INS make good mistake. like 1 out of 1000 mistakes that they make every month, will be a surprising good news.
It may include mistakes too. Attorneys having friends in INS is not Unconstitutional!. :)=> Righ

Congressman/Senators too have friends in INS. I don\'t
have to tell you that, right?

would you be kind enough to post the FP date and location for your friend who recently got approval with RD as 11/00?
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her FP is one month after mine (~ 3/20/00) and location is milwaukee, WI . as to my knowledge, she have no friends in INS, she even did not check AVM. sorry that I am saying I don\'t know her LIN#.