Harsh US immigration rules force Microsoft to open shop in Canada

Thats because legals pay their taxes along with bankrupting SSN & Medicare and illegals don't. So legals are suckers anyway.
Way to go MS!! Bill Gates made a testimony before the house of reps (or congress, whatever the hell they call it) about how US doesn't welcome world's brightest by having quotas and delayed GC process and all the jazz. Looks like congress turned a dumb ear towards him, all they care about is illegals, they don't give a damn about legals.

The point is here is a company that can act on their convictions has spoken clearly about them and is now acting on them, as opposed to many of us, who realise the truth but have our self interest preserved in not acting on it at this time.

Wonderful development. I hope many more companies follow their lead and move north of the border, that will send a very clear signal to the US gov't and the IEEE folks. That their issue is not with foreign talent but with acquiring modern skills and perhaps with American capital which is now freely mobile. That might just prod them into action.
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Good thread and very, very glad to know the latest development on the issue of immigration. Americans will never change, because the current immigration laws and practices do help keep the power with the citizens. It is untrue that illegals do not pay social security taxes. They pay, but it is paid with fake SSN numbers and reportedly, the Social Security fund is holding billions of dollars of unaccounted money in a suspense account. As for the legal immigrants, the Govt. would like to frustrate them as long as possible so eventually when they leave the country, they don't get the social security benefits for which they contributed for at least 6 years. I want to make a vow that if in 7 years from now, I become a citizen, I will not forget my past sufferings which I know for sure will continue to be the same after 7 years. I will then fight for the immigrants as a citizen here.

I hope Canada after a few years is not imposed with the same immigration laws and practices as they exist now here in the USA.
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