hanging from a very thin thread

rohan rohan

Registered Users (C)
I am still waiting for any kind response from VSC ND 11/15/98, FP 5/99, PD 12/96. I have\'nt even got an RFE. Is there soemthing wrong with my case? ppl please give input.I\'ll take anything at this point..even speculation, i am very close to going crazy :-( Just what could be happening with my case? i see cases 6/8 months past my date getting approved and i cant take it anymore..iio\'s just give the usual BS. after getting refused visa 7 times and still making it till here you would think there is justice in this world.but no!
-Just very very tired
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Go to Immigration-law.com and you will find the reason behind the delay for all applicants who filed before 99. Basically, it is CIA delay.
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The CIA check theory being the cause for delays in 98 applications is BS. What about the delays in 1/99, 2/99 RDs? How come these folks are getting approved much slower while we are seeing 5/99 - 7/99 folks getting approved?
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Hang in there. I went through the same thing. Heard nothing for 14 months, then got a letter saying preliminary processing complete and transferred to Balt. INS. Perhaps this means you sent all the documentation requested.
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I think we should stop advising people to "hang" in there when they are asking for constructive suggestions. He\'s already saying he is "hanging" in there, so what is it that we are adding which is new? Sorry to be absolutely pissed but I have decided never to reply to someone\'s message with "hang in there" or "your turn will come". It just pisses me off even more.

Now that I have vented here are some suggestions to the original poster (Rohan Rohan):

Start thinking along the lines of doing consular processing or filing a mandamus petition. If your home consulate accepts AC-140 (attorney certified 140) then you can do this while still keeping your I-485 alive. Or talk to a good lawyer about getting a mandamus petition filed which is basically using brute force to make the INS take a look at your file. I don\'t think there is any other "immediate" solution to your problem.
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Hi, I can sympathize as I was hanging from same thread. My Nov. 16 ND was just approved on July 13,2000. Mine was one of those transferred to Baltimore. I think a letter to your congress person may help. It seems VSC did this same leap frog over Aug. cases when they started processing after the freeze but then EVENTUALLY returned to them. Big deal huh? Best Wishes to get out of I-485 hell.
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You are not alone I have similar details like yours. EB3 Other ND 11/18/98 FP 05/99.
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I am in the same boat as well.ND - 01/14/99.FP -05/99.Waiting patiently as well.If the same trend continues next month, plan to use the services of the congress man/lady.
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Mine is rd 12/23/98 FP 5/99 NO Progress so far. I am also extremely frustrated and disgusted at the state VSC has put me into. After waiting for over a year and a half it is tremendously upsetting to see 7/99 approvals.
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I read immigration-law.com...dont know what to make out of it. If the new law can be applied for post Jan 19, why not before that?

Anyway from the replies that i\'ve been seeing, it seems like my delay is unusual. I wanted to confirm that before escalating. i have decided to

1. wait till end of august
2. Escalate to congressman or file lawsuit(understanding the risks) and just give up hope that the outcome will be positive and get on with my life. I have come to realise that life is short and i will never get back the time i lose waiting. those jerks dont realise the damage they are causing and i feel partly responsible for where i am because i put myself in their hands. i dont know about the others but i had, and still have, completely put on hold my life for the last 4 years and can\'t afford it anymore. The losses are starting to outweigh the gains for me. End of august it is and if not i have to cut my losses and move on. No country is worth this much trouble. If they dont want me..its their loss. There are other places on this earth where i will be better appreciated.

enough babbling..sorry had to take that out.
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This delay may have something to do with your priority date. That is just a wild guess though. But that may not be true if you are in EB2 category.