Handful of 02/99 and 03/99 VSC waiters


Registered Users (C)
From looking at various posts here checking for 02/99 and 03/99 waiters in all categories, and taking into consideration overlapping entries, it seems that there are only a handful of ISN members waiting! I would say 25 at most?? Assuming each one is married it comes to 50 greencards for 02/99 and 03/99 waiters. Surely I would imagine this to fit within the quota for this fiscal year. Any comments?
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Quota won\'t be issue at all now. We have 4 more months before new quota comes in.
SC is processing at regular pace only. Look at the number of people who have applied
in Jan and Feb of 99. In 98 for almost 4 months EB3 ID have not moved at all and later on
it moved by mere 7 days only. For EB2, I dot think anyone has to wait before they apply
for 485. If you look into the time frame it takes for labor and 140 for EB-2 cases, it is always

There was a site by name \'mana\' or so, who use to maintain ID numbers for every
month. I dot remember the URN, but I do remember the numbers for Feb\'96 D. It was
around 100 (for India EB-3). Instead of polling the number again, if some have that data it
will be helpfull to figure out how we are going to do in future regarding to this 485.

Why I am giving all these details? INS is processing same chunk of files they used to
process earlier. But most recent chunk has 3 months of applications. (number of cases
might be same, but spread across 3-4 months)

Good luck to you all
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With the SC\'s issuing GC\'s at a steady pace, I expect this years
EB2 and EB3 quota to be over prior to Aug. Infact they are
probably borrowing from next years quota. Look for dates to
regress significantly for Indians and Chinese. Those that get
their Gc\'s prior to Aug will be lucky.

Remember for every GC post on this board, there are at least 10
other GC recipients who do not post. Also the number for each
category is just 3000 odd per year. And anyone who thinks that the
number of Indian/Chinese employment GC\'s is less than 3000 per year
is kidding himself/herself.