H1B Visa Revalidation in Canada-Please advice


Registered Users (C)
I have valid H1b stamp till jan 16,2005.I got my 8th year extension valid until Jan 16th 2006.

If i go to Canda next week and assume if they reject my 8th year for some reason,Can i come to USA with my previous visa(valid till jan 16,2005)? or will they cancel my previous visa also and i have to go to India from Canada?

I was under the impression that even if they reject the 8th year,i can reenter USA as my 7th year H1b Visa will still be valid till Jan 16th,2005..But,it looks like they cancel the previous visa also if they reject my 8th year revalidation.

Please advice as i am going to Canada next week for 8th year stamping.

Thanks in advance.