H1B visa for Indian language teacher

Ramesh Sethi

Registered Users (C)
Is a Childcare employee qualified to apply for an H1B visa?
Is a Indian language teacher at a child care center qualified to apply for an H1B visa?
Originally posted by Ramesh Sethi
Is a Childcare employee qualified to apply for an H1B visa?

Probably not eligible to obtain an H-1 as most child care positions do not require a bachelor's degree. Maybe the center director but not a standard childcare employee.

Originally posted by Ramesh Sethi
Is a Indian language teacher at a child care center qualified to apply for an H1B visa? [/B]

Maybe. However the business necessity of instruction in the Indian language would need to be demonstrated, as would the requirement of a bachelor's degree and the applicability of the applicant's bachelor's degree.

Tough case.