H1B Stamping URGENT


New Member
H1B Help Please

Hi All.

I want an assistance from any one of you, as early as possible.....URGENT

I have attended for H1B interview at American Embassy Consulate at NewDelhi in the month of December. But they gave me a 221g giving the reason that I am not the resident of New Delhi District counsulor. And marked as that I need to attend the Interview at Chennai Embassy, for which there is no prior appointment required. Any working tue,wed or thursdayI may go. But still I am yet to go.

I have some doubts regarding this....

1. I have taken all the 3 DDs in favour of American Embassy, New Delhi. And for which they have taken two and remaining one is with me its for Rs. 2300/-
But now I need to attend the interview at chennai. So, will this DD sufficient or else I need to take a fresh DD in favour of A. Embassy Chennai.
What Should I do now...

2. I am heard that recently i.e in the months of nov & dec, many H1B candidates are given 221g and some r even rejected. The reason behind this is that There will be some quota per yr. And if they reach that cap, they do give such 221g's. ?

Is this true. Can any body assist me about this quota at visa issuance.

Please guide me in the right path
I thank u all in advance and eagarly waiting for the reponse
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