H1B --Married US citize..Into Big..Big trouble..Help me please


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Let me explain my situation and if you think you can help me out..

I came to this country on Hib visa after taking my masters in physio therapy from Australia. I am an Indian citizen. After working here for 2 years I got married to Priya. She is a US citizen. We got married in India and after we came back, I applied for my greencard through her. I got the work permit and started using it. I gave my fingerprints shortly. Then couple of immigration officers showed up in my office and told that they need to get some information about me. They interviewed me in a closed room at my office for an hour asking me questions about my wife, how I met her, is she my relative….? They told me that they got an anonymous call that I married my relative ( Priya was never my relative). They followed me to my house, checked my marriage photos…checked my bed room…etc…. . Right before that I applied again for my work permit as my existing one was expiring. After waiting for a couple of moths, Since I didn't hear from Nebraska office about my work permit, I went to the local office and got it renewed for 3 months.

I called the Nebraska office and enquired about my Green card application. They told me that my name check is not got cleared yet. Then I flew to Chicago for some personal matter. When I tried to get my boarding pass, the person sitting there told me that I am a VIP and they need FBI clearance to let me in the flight. They took me to a room and asked me about the where I am going, whom I am going to meet and why..etc..Finally they got the approval from FBI and let me in the flight. Same procedure continued when I flew back to my home town from Chicago. So it looks like my name got into FBI list and it would take years to clear my name check. I tried with my Senator, and he could arrange a green card interview with INS. But then Ins informed that FBI got involved and cancelled the interview and they cannot process my Green card until they get a clearance from them. I was ready to live with that factor since I was getting my work permit and was able to work.

My work permit expired last month and I went to local office and they told me that they cannot give the work permits anymore. The law has changed. Then I called the Nebraska office and enquired about my pending application for work permit. They told me that they are not giving me since the enquiry ( same one as I explained above about some body calling in and complained that I married my relative to get the green card) is still open. It's been more than a year since the officers showed up my office and they haven't closed my file yet. When I argued that it's not my fault and I should get a work permit until they make a decision, they said it's not a law, but it's a favor from INS and they don't want to do that favor in my case.

For the last 2 months , I am sitting in home and praying. I understand that FBI will take several years to clear my name from the list ( Looks like my name got into some high priority list). But what about my work permit? Do you think I have a case and I should get it and you would be able to help me out with that
If you don't see it as a possibility, then I want to leave this country.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I talked to a layer and eh sayd that since my case is pending( not rejected), there is nothing much a lawyer can do..Is that right?
meetmano said:
I talked to a layer and eh sayd that since my case is pending( not rejected), there is nothing much a lawyer can do..Is that right?

Marrying relative is not a crime and should not exclude you from getting FB based Green card. Usually USCIS will not care about that. All you can do is to go to your Congressman and ask them for the help again. Ask attorney to Contact AILA Liaison. If you do not have any thing to hide you can file a mandamus petition along with your wife.
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