H1B Ban.... Ideas and Opinions


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Will the proposal on the ban on H1B visa succeed? What do you think?
Whatever happened to globalization! If the ban succeeds America will definitely be poorer for it.
That H1B workers are crap is the biggest myth this side of the .com boom.
What will be next? Scrapping of GC? (Anything is possible these days).
As humans, we cannot expect to be Happy every moment that we are alive, but we are at least capable of living with content. Uncertainty is the biggest enemy of contentment, and living on a H1B visa, along with the GC process, is the height of uncertainty. Leaving your country and surviving in a foreign land on you own in itself is a big achievement. Add to that the competition for Jobs, uncertainty over the Visa/GC process, living away from parents and loved ones, uncertainty over future job prospects etc, and it looks like a super human effort just to survive. We don’t need any more proposals to add another obstacle in our hurdles race. Anyways, nobody wants to be a superman.
Very well said and wonderful thoughts.
I can understand you anxiety, my friend.
Are you also resigning from this forum?
Please keep your kite tied up with the thread. You never know it might land up in BCIS and on taking DNA sample, BCIS might deport you.
From an American's prespective, H1 visa holders take away his job or force him/her to work for much less pay. Many H1 holders are paid less than the prevailing wage. There are numerous cases where american workers were laid off and were also forced to train H1 workers who replaced them. The situation is worse after the economy tanked after the dotcom boom. Check out the number of unemployed in the technical prefessions.

Secondly there are cases where people came in on H1 with fradulent educational background, inflated or imaginary experience.
H1 is good when there are jobs available and there is a real shortage of skilled workers.