H1 transfer and stamping in India


New Member
I am working for employer "A" and my Visa is expiring soon. I found employer "B" who wnats to transfer my Visa. But I have to go to India in Fourth week of August, while my H1 transfer is still in processing. Can I get my H1 visa stamped in India with the new approval notice?

If it is not advisable to go to India while my H1 transfer is still in process, how long it takes if I go for premium processing? If I receive my approval notice before I go to India, Can I get stamped in India?

Please reply me, it is urgent.
I think you should not go out of state
until you get a new visa in your passaport honestly. If you are in a job
that has listed on Technolgy alert
list they you might get a check name that might take months for them to
process while you are waiting and
you might loss your job.
Premium processing is a way to go.
Hi NK,

I could not understand "If you are in a job that has listed on technolgy alert list they you might get a check name that might take months for them to process while you are waiting and
you might loss your job." Can you please elaborate this?

I am a Software Programmer. My problem is that I have to go to India at any cost. If I go for premium processing I can get approval by 20th of August. But If I send my passport to Washington for stamping it will take atleast six weeks, and I can go to India without my Passport. My question is can I get that stamping done in a consulate in India, instead of sending my passport to Washington.

Please relpy me. Your answer will be really appreciated.
go to
You will find a link to state sponser
of terrorism AND ?ndia is within those
as countries listed as cases involving foreign nationals affiliated with the entities in a region subject to the
non proliferation control regulation.
so you might check the us consulate web site or call them
over your country to check if there is
any procedure like clearnce check
before you go.

Your job is listed as a advanced computer /microelectronic in TAL list