H1 to F1


New Member
Hello, I am a Civil Engineer who got laid off on Sept. 30th. Considering the job market, I am interested in applying for a change of status to F1 once I get an I 20.
1) Does anyone think that getting an I20 from an Arts(Culinary) school would be an issue considering my BS MS in Civil.
2) Most of the schools start in Jan. and if I apply now and get an I20 by Nov. what status will I be in till the school starts.
3) I am also considering the Tourist visa option. How easy would it be to go back to H1 once I get a job.
Please advise.
Thanks again
F-1 is for studying. Culinary schools are not necessarily qualifying institutions.

Do the right thing; go home until you locate another job and enter when you have a new approval notice if it is your intent to work as an engineer in the US. Engineers are held to a higher standard than many other professions; don't disgrace it through improper or illegal acts.