H1 to F1 Transfers affected ?


Registered Users (C)
No word on the INS on these transfers, while they keep harping about the B1 - F1\'s.

Also, whats happens to those (H1-F1) transfer students attending classes (midway thru a sem now !) relying on the old law ?

This is carzy...why does INS come up with such announcement without considering all the facts ???
New laws would not be retroactive on those already processed.

If there are any new laws, normally those who are already processed or in the pipeline will not be treated like new applicants. Sometimes they are given ample time to adjust for example H1-F1 transfers already made will have say end of 2002 or 2003 to meet certain requirements.
please update on this issue..

Hi, I guess there is a lot of confusion as to how the h1 to f1 transfers will be affected? Shank and Whizkid, please keep us posted of any developments on this issue.
H1 - F1 not affected !

Go to www.shusterman.com
Find : Advance Copy of Interim Rule Requiring Change to Student Status Prior to Pursuing Course of Study (PDF File)

It clearly explains that the new rules pertain to B1 transfers and why they aren\'t applicable to other categories like H4, H1.....sihned by ol\' man Zigler himself.

Looks like for once, INS is rational and has done its due deligence. Good work INS....at least this time.

Whew ! What a relief....

By the way Shusterman is the only bloke who\'s is ahead of the all the rest of Immigration Lawyers.....their sites don\'t even make a passing reference to these sweeping changes....

Our old favs like Ms. Murthy, Jose Latour (USVISANEWS), why even Mr. Khanna and assoc. are even aware of whats going on....keep sleeping fellers - while the rules keep changing !