H1 Stamping procedure for Mexico - Laredo


New Member

I have date for stamping of my H1 visa on May 16th at Nuevo Laredo, and need to know if we are required to have Mexican visa to enter Mexico, or a permit is sufficient.

The question is tricky, as I have met people who had neither of those and still entered successfully in both Mexico and then back in US after stamping. If any one has any information/ contact number of guys like Victor Garcia for Laredo, please post here so that I can get the things done.

I have searched extensively for more information on successful visa revalidations completed from the US consulate at Laredo but was unable to find any. If anyone has recently been there, please share your trip and stamping experience. Also, as asked by the person above, if anyone is aware of any organized service providers in Laredo (much like Victor Garcia does for Juarez/El-paso - http://victorgarciainternational.com/index.html or MAS - http://www.mexico-assistance.com/Index.html and CTS - http://www.consulartripservices.com/ for Matamoros/Brownsville), then please share.

I plan on going to Laredo in the next few weeks but want to find out as much as I can prior to to re-scheduling my appointment. I currently have an appointment scheduled for Juarez but after reading on other posts, they estimate it takes at least 2 days to get the visa stamped passport back. And that too late in the afternoon. Leaving no time to cross the border back into El-Paso and catch the last flight back from the airport (latest flights are around 4:30 pm). So Juarez is pretty much a 3 day venture.

My other option is Brownsville but only serviced by Continental Airlines. The fares are higher, the time options are less and that too only connecting flights through Houston.

Again, any information on Laredo will be much appreciated.


Dallas, Texas
Travelling to Brownsville


my hubby will be travelling to Brownsville from Dallas to get his H1 B stamped. Probably it will somewhere at end of April. Do let us know if you plan to join him. Email me if u r interested.
mandrekar, thanks for your post (I could not find your email address so am replying here - as general info :).

After reading up on all consulate posts, I too think Brownsville is the 'safest' place to revalidate a visa (see the MAS services link above and click on 'updates' to read on daily/weekly personal reports). The most important thing is it's done the same day, whereas El-Paso takes 2 days and that also being too late to catch the last flight out making it a 3 night stay (if flying in). There's not much on Laredo and the few posts I was able to find on other forums suggested it was risky going there (in terms of both the visa interview being stricter and also the place being slightly unsafe otherwise).

My current plan was to fly into the neighboring airport of Harlingen (served by Southwest and last flight leaves back at 8:00 pm), use the services of either MAS or CTS and leave the same day, evening of the interview (i.e. if all goes well).

Please send me an email (jwdkhan [at] yahoo) and I can discuss with your husband if we can travel together. Thanks again.
