H1 Stamping Meixco - Tijuana(near San Diego)


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I recently went to Tijuana Mexico for H1 Stamping for me H4 for my wife and we got it successfully.

Details about me:
7th year extension
Same Company
My Previous Stamp expired on April 22 2006
Got a new i-797 for one year.

U S Consulate in Tijuana, Mexico near San Diego Border. I booked an appointment through www.visa-usa.com.mx website.

1. Went to Chule Vista (a small down 7 miles north of International Border) on May 31 st.
2. Went to Mexico on June 1st around 7.00am. I took the Last US Exit aka Camino de La Plaza exit (this exit is after the San Ysidro Blvd exit).
3. Parked the Car in the Border Crossing Parking. It is on the right when you take the exit. $7 for 24 hours.Over night Parking allowed.
4. Crossed the Border, took a Cab to Banamex Bank. This bank is only two buildings away from the Consulate. It is on Tapacula Ave. It opens only @ 9.00am. The ride cost $10. It was very safe and is about 10 minutes ride from the border.
5. Went to the Consulate and waited in the line. There are two lines. One for all Mexican nationals who probably won't have an appointment and another for people with appointment.
6. All Mexican nationals were allowed first.
7. Around 8.45am I went to the bank while my wife was still in the line.
8. Bank opened @ 9.02am there were 6 people in front of the line. The bank issued the reciept in less than 2 minutes. Paid $200 for the application fee. Please carry your passport to get the reciept. You can get a receipt for any one as long as you have that persons passport.
9. Around 9.30 the people with appointment were let one by one inside.
10. Everything was scanned, all documents were checked. Please fill the DS 156 form online @ http://evisaforms.state.gov/default.htm. Print it back to back. Also print the third page that is automatically generated when you fill DS 156. It has a bar code. Make sure you write NA where you don't know or have nothing to fill or else you will be pulled out of the line. Have the passport photos as specified. The best place to take is the COSTC.
11. We went in and was seated.
12. Around 10.00AM we were let in even though lot of people before us where waiting.
13. We first went to a person who looked our documents, scanned the bar code in DS 156 and checked the documents. She asked for the last Pay stub, I-797, Passport, DS-156, 157, and bank receipt. She took our finger prints, and photos.
14. We came out and stood in another small line to see the consular.
15. We saw the consular she asked the following questions:
a. Hi What are you here for?
b. Is this a re-validation? Do you already have a stamp?
c. Whom do you work for?
d. Where are you from?
e. Where do you live in US?
f. Do you have kids?
g. Can I see your last Pay stub?
h. What is your title?
i. What do you do?
j. Please pay the fee @ the Cashier outside the building and come and collect the passport @ 3.00pm.
16. I came out of the consulate went around it and entered another entrance(just me wife was not allowed) to pay the issuance fee.
17. Went inside the building I was asked for my ID, and was shown the way to cashier.
18. Waited for the cashier paid the money and collected the receipt.
19. Came out had some coffee, took a cab for $10 to downtown. We were in downtown till 1.30. We had lunch @ Carl's Junior and then around 2.30 pm took a cab back to consulate for $10.
20. We waited till 3.00, they called everyone by name and issued the passport. We got the passport aroung 4.00pm.
21. A Gentlemen from Japan gave us a ride back to the border. We crossed the border from Otay another border 15 miles east of Tijuana. We went there because it is usually less crowded and you get your I-94 much quicker. The ride was about 35 minutes it is worth it.
22. We came to the customs we said we want to get a new I-94. They issued a slip we took it to the near by customs office waited for couple of minutes and got the new I-94 in 5 minutes.
23. Came back to US, took a cab for $20 to San Ysidro(were I parked the car).

It was much ok then what I thought. Only the waiting was little hectic because there is no shade to sit and relax.
