H1 stamping Canada/Mexico after the previous visa expired more than 12 months


Registered Users (C)
I planning to take an appointment at Tijuana Mexico, for my H1-B 8th year extension. My previous visa (stamped on the passport) has expired in Oct 2005. I heard that if the previous expired more than 12 months we need to go to the home country for stamping. Is that true. Please help me if anyone knows about it. Thanks.
I am in the exact same situation


Can someone knowledgeable shed some light on this as I am in the exact same situation. Previous Visa expired in Oct 2005. Need to go for revalidation.

I won't claim to be knowledgeable but I dont' think this is the case. Many first time applicants have gone for visa stamping in Canada/Mexico also. If there is no issue with them definately should not be an issue for the revalidation applicant.