H1-H4-H1 issues - Pleae help urgent


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Hi Ginnu and others,
Can you please advise on my problem.

I had H1B valid from 2005 to 2008. In June 2006, i stopped working and
i delayed for few months before converting to H4. In the meantime, my company revoked my H1B in july/Aug 2006 and so i got RFE on H4. Then My lawyer advised me to go to India for filing H4 stamp which i did in Oct 2006.

Now i have job offer from a company and i wanted to apply H1B through them as i do not come under h1 quota. But the lawyer is asking to send docs which shows my valid H1B status and pay stubs for last 3 months. I have pa stubs till june 2006.

My questions are:

1. Will there be problem with my H1B approval, considering my H1 is revoked before i converted to H4?

2. Is there any solution to my problem?

I appreciate your help.
