H1 cancellation upon EAD


Registered Users (C)
I have two H1s - one from Company A and one from Company B. I work for Company A and I am expecting to shift to EAD shortly. Would this shift cancel both the H1s or just Company A H1 ? Thanks.
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Since no one has replied to this message as yet, I am posting my thoughts. As far as I know, once you start working on an EAD ( by filing the I-9 form ), your H1 gets cancelled automatically. So if you want to start working on Company B\'s H1, you would be changing status (from EAD -> H1 ). For which you will have to go outside the country and get a new stamp.

You can get an EAD and keep working on H1. Getting an EAD does not mean that you would be working on or using the EAD! You have to file the I-9 to start working on EAD.

Just my 2cents worth of thoughts!