H-1B application questions.


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I was wondering if someone would be able to help me with this minefield as I really need help and advice!!

I have completed my H-1b application and handed it into the Vermont offices. The major problem is this. Firstly when the application was handed in on 2nd June I received an email stating the cap had been reached on 26th May. I work for a non profit organization and as per the email from USCIS states...

Institutions of higher education, nonprofits related or affiliated to such institutions, and nonprofit or governmental research organizations are exempt from the cap and may continue to obtain H-1B status for new employees.

Now here is my problem. I am a school teacher working for a non profit organization as in a school system with an affliliation to a higher education institute where students come into our system to do teaching practices. Does this mean I am cap exempt? If I am what is the likelihood of me getting a H-1B visa? I have not heard anything from the Vermont office and I have another job waiting for an answer from me in the United Arab Emirates. I so want to stay here but my time is running out.

Another problem is I am currently on a J-1 visa which is due to expire on 30th June. Does anyone know the last date that I am ok to stay here? If I do have to leave I have to pack and sell all my things and 2 weeks time is not enough. What would be the last date I could stay here? A friend was telling me there is a 30 day grace period but I can't seem to find the correct answer...such is the minefield of American immigration...btw...not sure if you need to know this but I am from the UK, have been here for 3 years on a J-1 visa, have sponsorship with my school system and now to find I can't stay when this country is crying out for teachers..I don't understand!

Thanks if anyone can help me. I really would appreciate advice and help as I need to know if I am going to get a visa as I really need to give this other job an answer asap!

First things first, being on a J1 visa, you need to make sure you are not subject to the 2yr home residency requirement, cos if you are you'll either have to go back to your home country for 2 yrs or apply for a J waiver before you can even be eligible for an H1 visa.