Guys...How many of you game to protest ?


Registered Users (C)
We need to do something to stop this bullshitting
by INS. There are hundreds of you, probably thousands out there,
stagnated by I-140 & I-485 delays at Vermont.

Come on, can't we get together and do something ? I don't
know.. but surely we can stage a protest at Vermont...
if that sounds too harsh, if a few hundred of us can travel
to DC with a demand/petition and meet the President
and the INS Commisioner, surely we will be heard ...

Is that too difficult.. a day's leave from work ?

Or shall we just keep screaming and wailing here ?

I just don't understand.. are all of us such nincompoops ?

By participating in any protests, your name will endup in a database sittting somewhere collecting dust ... Don't say I didn't tell you ;)

BTW, I still think we are asking other people to do us a favor, so we have to play by their rules, fair or not. An organized petition may help, but protest will definitely incur more resentment, especially today.

I know this kind of opinion will surely be bombarded across the board, but as a 5-year-old GC veteran, like the Osborne said, we are old and ugly enough to take on anything. Bring it on :D
I just don't understand

Whoever responded thinks I am planning for some kind
of street riots and stuff like that !!!!!!!!

I am even more surprised ? What kind of a fear is this ?

There are thousands reading each message and yet we
can't have a few hundred seeking an appoitment with the
President or the INS commisioner and submit a
petition ?

What database are u talking about ? And why should my name
end up in some database bcoz I am in a group of a few
hundred individuals submitting a petition ?

What do you mean by saying we are old and ugly enough
to take on anything ?

I just don't understand !!!!!!
Hi Sumanta
Whilst I don't necessarily agree with an out-an-out "take-it-to-the-street" mob approach, I also don't think we should cower down and take whatever s** INS dishes out. After all, as long as we stay within the legal boundaries, First Amendment applies to everyone, citizen or not. In fact, if there are reprisals from INS because you spoke out, then you have grounds for legal action.

Have you tried contacting ACLU? They are pretty good and managed to overturn a recent decision where they required people who are employed as security screeners to be citizens which meant layoff of GCs. I think if you send your case to your local chapter of ACLU they should be able to give you a prompt assessment of the merits.

By the way, cnn conducted a poll on immigration and the results are pretty clear - we aren't exactly being welcome with open arms if the majority of people had their way :-(

From an earlier poster
HI Folks,
there is a poll going on the about the immigration(should it be reduced "yes" or "no") .. The results are declared around 3:00 pm on today on "Moneyline"....
Please note what I meant

I have never meant a mob thing in the first place.
Its unthinkable ! I am not the Elian Gonzalez category ...

As for votes.....yes I too am in favour of reduction of
immigration. Bcoz u know what ? I Have no regard
for these illegal Sardars , Gujju Bhais and Mexico-border-
Hispanics. But aren't we supposed to be the creme-de-la-creme
propping up an economy ? However elistist it may sound,
I surely do not belong to the cabbie-Gujju Groccery shopkeeper-
7-11 illegal immigrant.

And if you are talking about votes.. well this is a country of
immigrants. Many of those who voted have forefathers
who landed on ships not too long ago. Maybe its time to
see if some residents living on welfare and not
contributing to the nation in any way should just leave the
shores !

Sounds elitist... ? Big deal....the ground rules are those of
fierce competition...and I am game for it.
Re: Please note what I meant

Originally posted by Sumanta

I Have no regard
for these illegal Sardars , Gujju Bhais and Mexico-border-
Hispanics. But aren't we supposed to be the creme-de-la-creme
propping up an economy ?

Not exactly. Low-lives are welcomed into the country to pick up dirty works, whites are infused to balance the ethnic composition ... while you are considered robbing Americans of their high paid jobs.

Being good not neccessarily translate into being welcomed, guess you don't need any help enlist such examples around the world, throughout history.
You did not get the point, yet... From all the replies you have been getting.

Guys...How many of you game to protest ? ...NONE but YOU.

In short, you are wasting your time and others valuable time. Sorry for saying so. Its true though.

Lot of people are waiting for years in NJ and some other states to get their LC. Why don't you start some thing there ?.

Good Luck!!
How much do you know what I have been through ?

I kind of already know that I am wasting my time....
and I know the reason too...a reason you have not pointed

the reason is that this forum especially GC applicants who
spend hrs on this forum just lack an iota of honest
courage to stand up and talk for what's righfully theirs. That
centuries old vassal mentality of servitude, so typical
of an erstwhile colony is hard to get out of..... I think I
have been getting out of that mould....just wish I had a few
others with me....

As for Labor, I am from NJ. I applied Regular Labor and it
took me 3 years to get my Labor certified .... do u care
to know what I have been through ?

What do u want me to start to do for people suffering
with LC's in NJ ? See.. u don't get the point.. if I could do
something.. I would.. and that's my point.. I can't do it
alone.. together we can....and that's what I am seeking. And
look at u .. all u seek is some heaven sent miracle to solve
the problems.. that's not gonna happen unless we do

There are thousands reading these posts....and see how they
respond saying none of them would go just that extra
mile to submit a joint petition for a reason that has nothing
wrong anywhere.

If u think I am wasting your time.. well ....don't waste it...
Re: Re: Please note what I meant

I have no problems with low lives.. in fact I don't consider
any life as lowly.. or any job as mean ....

U don't get my point...

My point is .. I hate anything illegal.. these people are the
ones who have broken laws in their own lands.... they r
breaking laws when they r entering this nation...they will
continue to contribute to this nation in their way...and that is breaking laws.. always finding loopholes and misusing
any system that's based on trust.

And in the process, they r screwing up my perfectly legal

And I just don't like that.

Originally posted by tyzh

Not exactly. Low-lives are welcomed into the country to pick up dirty works, whites are infused to balance the ethnic composition ... while you are considered robbing Americans of their high paid jobs.

Being good not neccessarily translate into being welcomed, guess you don't need any help enlist such examples around the world, throughout history.
Re: Re: Please note what I meant

Just another point I forgot to my mention.

Maybe you hardly know me, and what I bring along as
my bag of skills to offer.

No.. I am no Einstein. And I work for no sweat-shop
programming co. either .

But I challenge any citizen right now...
if anyone can compete with me in my job.. and prove that
I am snatching his/her job.. i will leave tommorrow. If anyone
can show me in a fair math that s/he with his/her experience
and skillset is better prepared to perform what I do, I will
resign tommorrow.

And that's a 100% frank and candid admission.

Originally posted by tyzh

Not exactly. Low-lives are welcomed into the country to pick up dirty works, whites are infused to balance the ethnic composition ... while you are considered robbing Americans of their high paid jobs.

Being good not neccessarily translate into being welcomed, guess you don't need any help enlist such examples around the world, throughout history.

I guess I mis-read - I agree no need for mob action and I think you're more intelligent than that.

I don't know if I agree with reducing immigration visa numbers because it would mean **Longer** waiting periods, since the number who apply would not fall, just the number who got approved :)

Come'on don't be that elitist - even Einstein needs cabbies and janitors :) To each his own, we can't ask for IQ tests on I485 application. If somebody can get GC by hopping over the border, good for , as long as they don't deprive me of mine, which they don't because they don't compete in EB1/2/3 or right? So live and let live.

However, you're not wasting time. I am in for signing petition to streamline INS and going to meet with Bush or whoever but somebody has to figure out what to do - and I don't see why you can't. Let us know what help you need. Can't have too many cooks :) Send email at when you have some plan of action.
Ok let's put it in simple tems. If you come up with a plan of action, I guarantee I can get at least 100 signatures, okay :p
Can we gather web-based participation

Hi VHooloo and everybody else,
Listen.... frankly...I am
not an union leader nor a politician. And i don't think we need

I have a dream of action... of submitting an organized petition..
but no plans. My agenda follows :

1) Tech Professionals from India be not clubbed in the
same category as terrorist countries' citizens. After all, we
have suffered this Islamic bs much longer than anyone else.
So why this shit as us being checked as if culprits when
we have been the worst victims ?

2) EB1/2/3 categories be served through a faster track.

3) The ability of each of us EB1/2/3 -based applicant
to pay premium fess in lieu of faster processing .
Come on can't we dish out a couple of
thousand dollars for a gurantee that we get GC
approved withing 6 mths provided of course that we
satisfy all other criteria ?

4) The ability to make the whole process ind of any specific

As for how we co-ordinate .. can we have a web site
where each interested person can submit his/her address,
and e-mail and phone contacts ? Let's get a participation
and then we can follow it up with phone meeting....

Once again, no leaders please.. we r smart people.. lets do it
adroitly and effectively and with min bullshitting.
The LC Petition is a perfect example

Just wanted to add .....let's all look at the LC petition
as an eye opener.

I still feel that should have been done long time back.

We should act similarly about I-140 & I-485 right away.

If we do not puruse this thing about I-140 / I-485 with
VSC right now, I am 100% sure I-140 & I-485 processing
will take 2 - 3 years.

I am neither kidding nor raising any fear psychosis.....its just
natural for people to do that knowing 200% sure ( as I am ) that
the majority of the educated, tech-savvy Indian ( yes that;s the
biggest chunk ) professionals who might be affected are docile,
meek and will never protest.
INS delays, why not take help from ISN?

Hi Sumanta,

I been reading this thread in past few days and noticed one thing that you and others may not know the existance of a non profit organization Immigrant Support Network ( The directors and most members are past H1bs and/or current H1Bs. They already protested 2/3 years back by for these delays in 485, 140 and the whole GC process. Partially because of their efforts, the country quota (which was 7500/yr for India, in other words, INS would only issue total 7500 GC per year for people from India applying GC no matter what category they were in.) rule had been changed. I don't remember the exact year but may be it was 99 or 2000. ISN actually hired a law firm in Washington DC to do the lobbying. At least that is my knowledge.

So my suggestion is, get this issue to them and ask advice. Because of their prior experience we can get much better idea of this whole issue and a stage to talk from. In fact, majority of the directors are resident of NJ. May be we can organize a meeting of sort.

Let me know what you think.


Do u wanna know truth about ISN ?

Thanks for reminding me. U really want to know the truth
about ISN ?

I was a member of ISN myself in that effort. I have written
e-mails to the office bearers recently.... no response...they
don't give a damn.

They have got their GC's and have bailed themselves out...
typical Indian mentality as usual...again no wonder how a
bunch of Brit officers ruled the huge country for > 200 yrs.

Now if u open ISN's web site, all u get is a million pop-ups
asking u to gamble in online casinos. So, now the site is
being used by those guys for earning money...imagine...
piggybacking on our immigration nightmares to make money
via online casinos.

I really don't want to build another such political party...
frankly.. again.. we r all educated, well people..
why not just keep it simple ? Decide on the petition text, get at
least a few hundred or a 1000 people to sign and if possible,
let's make an appoitment with the White House and let a
1000 of us travel there on a day ? Maybe, inform the media
before too ?
dear friend sumanth

You keep saying that Indians are/were slaves, servitude etc.
What exactly are u doing in the U.S.A ? If u had that much patriotism/integrity/self respect etc why are u not in india serving the indian government ? god knows india needs scientists/genuises like you.

Were they not clear in the H1 application when they said this is a temporary visa and no guarantees are given whatsoever that we will get to migrate to the U.S.

I agree with u that the immigration process is inefficient and slow., maybe its meant to be that way to discourage too many people from countries like india, bangaldesh etc to head in to the U S of A in too short a time.

Their point is that they are doing us a favour by allowing us to migrate. If we dont like it we are free to go back to our respective countries . Are they stopping us from going back ?
If we still want the GC, maybe we should take it laying down with a grin ?.
Maybe thats why many people are not coming forward .
Not because they are afraid, because they dont see any point in asking/ pleading for a GC
There u go..just another case in point !

What I mean by servitude ? You are the anwser : U think
this nation does u a great favour by allowing u to get a GC.
Isn't that a perfect example of a vassal ...gratitude overflowing
in awe even before the act of gratis ? You are getting kicked....
GC nowhere in the horizon....and look at the extent of your
gratitude already !!!!!!!

That's the problem...u have that attitude and u are so unaware
of it that u ask me why I say so every time.

This country is all about opportunities....we as skilled people
should grab it.. together...especially since we have what it takes
to back, brains and money...also they need us
and we need them.. isn't that a win-win opp to be grabbed ?

Of course I am free to go back.. so are u ... the difff is I am not
one who takes things lying down with a grin.. i am not
looking for such grinning seeking smarter
people.. who are ready to take charge.

Its possible that there aren't any such individual.. highly
possible. After all these are the sons of the same people
who were competing to be the clerks and vassals of a bunch
of Brit officers not too long ago..right ? How can those genes
evaporate ? Oh God.. I must be kidding asking for bold
participation from such folks !!!!!
Did I say that I feel gratitude ?

Read carefully

"Their point is"

dont take it personally & then start throwing insults on others,
I was only making a point on what is going on ... peace man


btw, i have got ead/completed FP in 2.5 yrs
Surprising !

Really astonishing.....

If u ask any Tom Dick & Harry in teh INS......about what "Their
Point" sure nobody will have any clue about what is being
asked ...

And u ...a struggling GC applicant.. already know what
"Their Point" is ..? Laughable.. to say the least.....

A nation of hilly billies... where people know nothing better
than Big Mac & Fries.....U have already gone into the interiors
of people and policies and discovered "Their Point".....

What a funny effort at legimitising sheer anarchy !!!!