Gurus, Please help -klm


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Today my case is transfered to local INS(VSC Transfer case). Can you please give me more info about the interview. What are the documents we should take? What kind of question asked?

I have been waiting for long long and long time with VSC. I don\'t know when they are going to schedule my interview. ND/RD 8/99, EB2, India

Please post your thoughts
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I also got my app transferred to Atlanta. So, that makes two of us. Hope everything will be all right...
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To which local INS did your case get transferred to?

I feel quite bad that your case has been transferred to local INS after all these months of waiting waiting waiting...

If the local INS your case is transferred to, is Baltimore, then I
think you will get an interview call in 3-6 months time frame...although I should say that I don\'t know the latest info...I read in this VSC chatboard a posting by someone who had his interview in Newark...his case got transferred in May 2000 I think...and he visited INS at Newark...I suggest you do the same...after waiting a few weeks (just so that the case comes to the local INS)...and he also wrote to his local Senator or Congressman (can\'t recall) which
ultimatley helped him get the interview call from Newark INS...the
interview itself was a mere formality I believe...

I wonder why yours got situations where the applicant falls under the 245(i) category...the service centers most of the time, do transfer the case...but, other than that, I don\'t know why...VSC used to be good...sadly, not anymore...

I wasn\'t of much help...but, maybe someone else can help you out...
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My case was transfered too, but to Baltimore. It took me exactly
3 months to get my interview done and passport stamped after
hearing message about case-transfer from VSC AVM.
The whole interview was very simple. Only the employment
letter was asked and the officier just took a glimpse and put it
into file. Nothing else was asked. Passport was stamped
about 20min later.
My case was NIW based with RD in Aug 99. I did move my
home from NJ to MD last June. Maybe that was why a n
interview was t riggered. But I never knew.

good luck to you.
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srini123, Thanks for your suggestion. I will do the same after few weeks. Today, I called up my local INS! They may take up to 18 months to schedule an interview with them! Yes 18 months :(

I have been with the same employer, client and address from the day one. I don\'t know why they transfer my case to local INS i.e. Tampa, FL.

What is 245(i)? Please let me know.
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Knowe Mee and rp123 thanks for your replies. Appreciated.

Knowe Mee, Did you receive any RFE before transfer. I got a RFE after long wait, then added little more wait to get tranfer. Now another long wait started with local INS. My local INS take 18 months to schedule an interview.

I don\'t know what else can I do now except waiting...
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Well I am not an expert but my observation says in case like yours where RFE is issued and they transfered the case to local INS after getting response means you are very close to approval but they may want to make sure onemore time that they did not overlooked anything. Also MAX 3 months it will take from here (remember me when you get your approval)You will hear from local INS within three weeks time giving yo additional two weeks to prepare for an Interview and then may be a week or two to get approval notice. (Some time they stamp the passport there and then)...

Well buddy hang in there and pray to GOD.
Best luck
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klm: Are you in the category of NIW or RIR, what I found was cases in the above mentioned category largely get transferred to local INS office just to make sure they see you in person and that you are a legitimate candidate even that is a formal thing I noticed the interview is just a yes no questions, but it takes time and that can be nerving.

To which center did they transfer your case? where you are living usually that determines the center. If you don\'t hear from your local INS office soon ( in one month) I suggest you call the Senators office you have a posting earlier of a gentleman who did just that and it triggered events that led to his approval.

At this stage you need to be calm and not get frustrated look at brighter things in life that happened to you.

hope that helps
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Thanks Hanuman, Now I started another Q with local INS, which may take another year or so. I will never forget you, no matter what happens

It is very painful and I could not express my feelings in words...
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First, thanks for your comments Chutney.
My case transfer from VSC to Tampa, FL, which comes under TSC. EB2, India, regular LC.

My employer is in VSC jurisdiction and I have been working with TSC jurisdiction at client site. I don\'t think it is an issue because lot of my colleagues got their approval with out any issue.

I have been with the same client since I came form India, ie 5+ Years, which is in Tampa. Due to economic slow down my project might end. Then I got to move to different state. At the time of interview, I must provide proof of residency for that local INS. So I will be forced to move my 485 files from one local center to another. This may cost some more months/years.

I already give up everything I can think of and had everything one suppose not to go through.
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In my case, I did not receive any RFE. My RD of I485 was Aug 99.
Renewed EAD once, applied AP once, but never use. At the
time about Aug and Sept 2000, saw lots of similar cases
approved on the internet. got worried and kept check
AVM almost everyday. Finally, one day heard something
different, but saying my case was transfered. At that
moment, I though another long waiting would be ahead
unavoidablly because many of June-tranfser cases had not
heard anything yet from baltimore INS at that time.
Unexpectedly, interview notice reached home after
two months of AVM message change, and the interview
was scheduled next month. I brought lots of stuffes
 in case of needed. However, the interview process
was short and simple. After that , just felt like a long
project was fininally done, maybe, hopefully.

Good luck to you and try to keep peace in mind.
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My case transferred to Arlington(local INS), Virginia. They told me that it takes 20 months(from the data we applied for I-485, which is the ND) to schedule an interview. Good-luck...