gurus please advice


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I work as a dentist in a company which was held in partnership by 2 partners.I have a approved H1b and my I 140 is filed in May 2006.Now as of Oct 01 the original company is finished as the partners have seperated.I am confused about my case, if I have to file a new H1b and 140 or an ammendment or just nothing.The tax id number for the company which will now give my paycheck has changed.As for me my work location has not changed and I still work in the same position.Can I take paychecks from the new company which now belongs to one of the partners or do I need to inform immigration to refile H1 or I140 or both.Any advice is appriciated
Most certainly I believe your old company will not revoke your I-140 since you seem to be in good terms with one of your employers. In the event your old I-140 is no longer valid, atleast you can file a new PERM and at the time of filing a new I-140 you can give the old I-140 approval copy to get that old Priority Date. You will be back to where you are now.

As with filing H1 ? I think you may have to file a new H1 since you are working for a new employer on the paper atleast. That means you would have to file a new PERM and new I-140. Even if you have to do all will be at the same position in the Q (Immigration visa Q). Somebody has to shell out some money for all the paper work that is all.

You better contact an attorney in this matter asap.

Somebody correct me if I am wrong.